Describing Socioeconomic Futures for Climate Change Research and Assessment Report of a Workshop (2010) / Chapter Skim
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5 Representative Concentration Pathways and Socioeconomic Scenarios and Narratives
Pages 29-32

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From page 29...
... CHARACTERISTICS, USES, AND LIMITS OF REPRESENTATIVE CONCENTRATION PATHWAYS1 Jae Edmonds Jae Edmonds said that the RCPs were developed to quickly deliver emissions data to the climate modeling community. Taken from the open literature, they were to provide a selection of pathways leading to different degrees of climate forcing to be used as inputs to climate models, story lines, and impact, adaptation, and vulnerability (IAV)
From page 30...
... Even the 2.6 results can be reached from any socioeconomic scenario -- if the requisite policies are adopted. During the parallel phase of the process, while the climate modeling groups are conducting climate model experiments, the IAM community is producing new socioeconomic scenarios, with alternative backgrounds, different technology availability regimes, and alternative shapes of the emissions pathways leading to the same end points -- including even 2.6, which can be produced in various ways.
From page 31...
... MULTIMODEL ANALYSIS OF KEY ASSUMPTIONS UNDERLYING REPRESENTATIVE CONCENTRATION PATHWAYS Tom Kram Tom Kram presented a quantitative comparison of the RCPs prepared by Detlef Van Vuuren, who could not be present. Each RCP is internally consistent, and each could be used to drive climate models as a basis for impact assessment (if information is included to indicate exposure and other impact-related variables)
From page 32...
... • he potential to change net emissions with agricultural technology T and increased uptake of carbon in soils may not have been fully examined in all the models. • nteraction between the IAM and IAV communities will be needed I to consider interaction effects and to develop skeletally described scenarios for the RCP forcing levels for the IAV community.

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