Describing Socioeconomic Futures for Climate Change Research and Assessment Report of a Workshop (2010) / Chapter Skim
Currently Skimming:

8 Concluding Comments
Pages 47-48

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From page 47...
... Advancing on a common approach to socioeconomic scenarios might be a useful concrete task, and it might be advanced in a paper written by the community or by the leaders of WG2 and WG3. Anthony Janetos observed that a productive avenue for national scale assessments would be to consider which factors and processes are tightly 
From page 48...
... In the near term, Wilbanks suggested the value of developing a small set of socioeconomic pathways -- simple narrative story lines that can be placed aside climate change scenarios in order to assess impacts of the projected changes. More could be done to improve understanding of the coupling between climate futures and socioeconomic futures.

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