Describing Socioeconomic Futures for Climate Change Research and Assessment Report of a Workshop (2010) / Chapter Skim
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Appendix B: Biographical Sketches of Panel Members and Staff
Pages 59-64

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From page 59...
... . His recent work includes developing conservation plans that account for changing climate and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and developing the WWF role on adapting to climate change.
From page 60...
... She is chief editor of the book Integration of Public Health with Adaptation to Climate Change: Lessons Learned and New Directions. She was a lead author for the human health chapter of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report; a convening lead author on the World Health Organization publication Methods of Assessing Human Health Vulnerability and Public Health Adaptation to Climate Change; and lead author in the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment and the U.S.
From page 61...
... She has been a key discussant at various international fora on topics related to developing country perspectives toward climate change, mitigation prospects for India, and energy-environment policy. She was part of the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report approval process, in which she represented the India delegation,
From page 62...
... He is also a member of the United Nations Secretary General Advisory Group on Energy and Climate Change; the Advisory Council of the German Government on Global Change; the Advisory Board of the World Bank's World Deelopment Report 00: Deelopment and Climate Change; the International Council for Science Committee on Scientific Planning and Review; and the Global Carbon Project. He was a convening lead author of the IPCC's Second Assessment Report, its Special Report on Emissions Scenarios, and the World Energy Assessment: Energy and the Challenge of Sustainability; a coordinating lead author of the IPCC's Fourth Assessment Report and of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment; lead author of the IPCC's Third Assessment Report; director of Global Energy Perspectives at the World Energy Council; a member of the International Science Panel on Renewable Energies; and guest profes sor at the Technical University of Graz.
From page 63...
... A past president of the Association of American Geogra phers, he conducts research on such issues as sustainable development, energy and environmental technology and policy, responses to global climate change, and the role of geographical scale in all of these regards. Coedited recent books include Global Change and Local Places (2003)

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