Describing Socioeconomic Futures for Climate Change Research and Assessment Report of a Workshop (2010) / Chapter Skim
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2 Needs for Socioeconomic Scenarios
Pages 7-14

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From page 7...
... . The assessment also needs to put climate change in the context of other stresses within a consistent set of socioeconomic futures.
From page 8...
... provide a minimum of consistency across the working groups, there is also a need for a realistic representation of the policy space that does not simply assume that all options are feasible. His understanding is that the RCPs will be analyzed by the climate community to yield patterns of climate change.
From page 9...
... In addition, he said, the IPCC should capture differences in the demand for services (e.g., market versus subsistence demands, such as for fuelwood) and also address governance issues, such as the roles of resource man agement agencies, the private sector, and household decisions, as well as differences in governance between developed and developing countries and changes in governance over time.
From page 10...
... . 5 The Global Energy Assessment, based at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, is a multiyear international effort to provide national governments and intergov ernmental organizations with "technical support for the implementation of commitments aimed at mitigating climate change and sustainable consumption of resources." Information is available at [November 2010]
From page 11...
... Because all this work takes time, impact estimates in one assessment were based on climate models that were contemporary with a previous assessment. The IPCC decided in 2006 not to develop new emissions scenarios, thus prompting an interdisciplinary group of researchers to develop a new process to develop and apply consistent scenarios across the three distinct research communities.
From page 12...
... Gary Yohe noted that the scenarios developed for the last IPCC process are still potentially useful. Edenhofer suggested that the RCPs could be a focal point for consistency purposes and that RSPs could also be a focal point for consistency across IAV and mitigation analyses (for example, there could be pathways characterized by high urbanization or by high economic growth)
From page 13...
... He pointed out the need to relate this process to development of new socioeconomic scenarios in the new process. Gerald Nelson asked whether current models yield useful policy advice on key questions, such as whether soil carbon is included in an offset or compensation regime.

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