CodePipeline tutorials

After you complete the steps in Getting started with CodePipeline, you can try one of the AWS CodePipeline tutorials in this user guide:

I want to use the wizard to create a pipeline that uses CodeDeploy to deploy a sample application from an Amazon S3 bucket to Amazon EC2 instances running Amazon Linux. After using the wizard to create my two-stage pipeline, I want to add a third stage. See Tutorial: Create a simple pipeline (S3 bucket).
I want to create a two-stage pipeline that uses CodeDeploy to deploy a sample application from a CodeCommit repository to an Amazon EC2 instance running Amazon Linux. See Tutorial: Create a simple pipeline (CodeCommit repository).
I want to add a build stage to the three-stage pipeline I created in the first tutorial. The new stage uses Jenkins to build my application. See Tutorial: Create a four-stage pipeline.
I want to set up a CloudWatch Events rule that sends notifications whenever there are changes to the execution state of my pipeline, stage, or action. See Tutorial: Set up a CloudWatch Events rule to receive email notifications for pipeline state changes.
I want to create a pipeline with a GitHub source that builds and tests an Android app with CodeBuild and AWS Device Farm. See Tutorial: Create a pipeline that builds and tests your Android app with AWS Device Farm.
I want to create a pipeline with an Amazon S3 source that tests an iOS app with AWS Device Farm. See Tutorial: Create a pipeline that tests your iOS app with AWS Device Farm.
I want to create a pipeline that deploys my product template to Service Catalog. See Tutorial: Create a pipeline that deploys to Service Catalog.
I want to use sample templates to create a simple pipeline (with an Amazon S3, CodeCommit, or GitHub source) using the AWS CloudFormation console. See Tutorial: Create a pipeline with AWS CloudFormation.
I want to create a two-stage pipeline that uses CodeDeploy and Amazon ECS for blue/green deployment of an image from an Amazon ECR repository to an Amazon ECS cluster and service. See Tutorial: Create a pipeline with an Amazon ECR source and ECS-to-CodeDeploy deployment.
I want to create a pipeline that continuously publishes my serverless application to the AWS Serverless Application Repository. See Tutorial: Create a pipeline that publishes your serverless application to the AWS Serverless Application Repository.

The following tutorials in other user guides provide guidance for integrating other AWS services into your pipelines: