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Selected NUCMC Bibliography: 1952-present

Gonzales, Anthony, "National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections (NUCMC)" Cataloging & Classification Quarterly, 48: 187-193

Weiner, Robert, "Help from Washington gives history society a digital boost" External Link (Published 20 Jan. 2010; accessed 1 Feb. 2010)

Seaver, Randy, "Genea-musings" External Link (Accessed 5 Feb. 2009)

Crow, Amy Johnson, "Using NUCMC," Genealogical Computing (Apr.-June 2005): 15-18.

Spence, Jonathan, "A Life With the Archives: by Jonathan Spence in conversation with Judith Schiff" External Link (Accessed 23 Nov. 2005)

Tibbo, Helen R., "Primarily History in America: How U.S. Historians Search for Primary Materials at the Dawn of the Digital Age," The American Archivist, 66 (Spring/Summer 2003): 9-50, esp. p. 20, 21, 23, 29, and 46-47.

Graham, Patterson Toby, "Researching American History Primary Sources Online: A Librarian's Perspective," External Link Journal of the Association for History and Computing III.2 (Aug. 2000). Paper presented as a panel at the 2000 conference of the Association for History and Computing, Waco, Texas. (Accessed 23 Nov. 2005)

Daniel, Karen Stein, "The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections: An Untapped Source," External Link (Accessed 5 Feb. 2009)

Saretzky, Gary D., "Getting the Word Out about Archival Collections: Library of Congress Extends Hand to Smaller Repositories," CRM (Cultural Resource Management), vol. 19, no. 4 (1996): 46-48.

Abraham, Terry, "Legacy to Heritage: Subject Access to Manuscript Collections in the Electronic Age." External Link Based on a paper presented at the 1995 meeting of the Northwest Archivists, Seattle, Washington, May 6, 1995 (Accessed 23 Nov. 2005)

Tibbo, Helen R., "Indexing for the Humanities" External Link (Accessed 23 Nov. 2005)

Ostroff, Harriet, "The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections: From the Printed Volume to On-Line Data Base." In The Hispanic Experience in North America: Sources for Study in the United States, edited by Lawrence A. Clayton (Columbus: Ohio State Univ. Press, 1992): 51-59.

Virta, Alan, "The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections and Hispanic manuscripts." In The Hispanic Experience in North America: Sources for Study in the United States, edited by Lawrence A. Clayton (Columbus: Ohio State Univ. Press, 1992): 60-63.

Pugh, Mary Jo, "Providing Intellectual Access." In Mary Jo Pugh, Providing Reference Services for Archives and Manuscripts (Chicago: SAA, 1992): 25-39.

Daniel, Karen Stein, "The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections: An Untapped Source," PGST News, vol. 7, no. 1 (Spring 1990); republished in The CLF Newsletter X (Aug. 1996): 6-7.

Bell, Mary McCampbell, Clifford Dwyer, and William Abbot Henderson, "Finding Manuscript Collections: NUCMC, NIDS, and RLIN," National Genealogical Society Quarterly, vol. 77, no. 3 (Sept. 1989): 208-218.

Ostroff, Harriet, "From Clay Tablets to MARC-AMC: The Past, Present, and Future of Cataloging Manuscript and Archival Collections," Provenance (Fall 1986): 1-11.

Lytle, Richard H., "An analysis of the work of the National Information Systems Task Force," The American Archivist, vol. 47, no. 4 (Fall 1984): 357-365.

Abraham, Terry, "NUCMC and the Local Repository," The American Archivist, vol. 40, no. 1_(Jan. 1977): 31-42.

Brubaker, Robert L., "Come on, let's get those reports sent to NUCMC!," Newsletter of the Midwest Archives Conference, vol. 2, no. 1 (Jan. 1974): 23-27.

Berner, Richard C., "Observations on Archivists, Librarians and the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections," College and Research Libraries, 29, no. 4 (July 1968): 276-280.

Burke, Frank G., "Automation in Bibliographical Control of Archives and Manuscript Collections." In Bibliography and the Historian: the conference at Belmont of the Joint Committee on Bibliographical Services to History, May, 1967, edited by Dagmar Horna Perman (Santa Barbara: Clio Press, 1968): 96-102.

Custer, Arline, "Cooperative Reporting and Cataloging as Exhibited in the Program of the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections at the Library of Congress." In Materials by and about American Negroes: papers presented at an institute sponsored by the Atlanta University School of Library Service, with the cooperation of the Trevor Arnett Library, October 21-23, 1965, edited, with an introduction by Annette Hoage Phinazee (Atlanta: Atlanta University School of Library Service, 1967): 41-52.

Burke, Frank G., "Manuscripts and Archives," Library Trends, vol. 15, no.3 (Jan. 1967): 430-445.

Binkley, William C., "A Historian Looks at the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections," The American Archivist, 28 (July 1965): 399-407.

Owsley, Harriet C., "The SAA Workshop on the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections," The American Archivist, 28 (July 1965): 389-397.

Schellenberg, Theodore R., "A Nationwide System of Controlling Historical Manuscripts in the United States," The American Archivist, 28 (July 1965): 409-412.

Berner, Richard C., "Manuscript Collections and Archives: A Unitary Approach," Library Resources and Technical Services 9, no. 2 (Spring 1965): 213-220

Berner, Richard C., "Archivists, Librarians, and the National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections," The American Archivist, 27 (July 1964): 401-409.

Custer, Arline, "The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections," Library Resources and Technical Services, 8 (Spring 1964): 188-220.

Cleland, J. L., "The Library of Congress Union Catalog of Manuscripts," Archives and Manuscripts (Australia), 2 (June 1963): 20-24.

Born, Lester K., "The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections," Manuscripts, 14 (Spring 1962): 10-16.

"Brevia Addenda: National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections," American Journal of Legal History, 5 (1961): 87-88.

Grove, Lee E., "The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections," ALA Bulletin, 54, no. 9 (Oct. 1960): 769-771.

Born, Lester K., "The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections: Progress," The American Archivist, 23 (July 1960): 311-314.

Born, Lester K., "Manuscript Catalog is in Operation," History News, 15 (Feb. 1960): 52.

Mearns, David C., "To Be Enduring: The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections," College and Research Libraries, 20, no. 5 (Sept. 1959): 341-346.

Peckham, Howard H., "Manuscript Repositories and the National Register," The American Archivist, 17, no. 4 (Oct. 1954): 319-324.

Wiley, Bell I., "Historians and the National Register," The American Archivist, 17, no. 4 (Oct. 1954): 325-330.

Land, Robert H., "The National Union Catalog of Manuscript Collections," The American Archivist, 17, no. 3 (July 1954): 195-207.

Berkeley, Francis L., "History and Problems of the Control of Manuscripts in the United States," American Philosophical Society Proceedings, 98 (June 15, 1954): 171-178.

"Report of the Joint Committee on Historical Manuscripts," The American Archivist, 15, no. 2 (1952): 176-180.

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