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Monday, 17 February, 2003, 09:32 GMT
Madonna denies being anti-Bush
Madonna has never shied away from controversy
US star Madonna has denied accusations that she is anti-George Bush following the furore surrounding her forthcoming music video.

The video for American Life sees Madonna throwing hand grenades to the beat of the music cut with images of victims of war.

The sentiment reflected in the video caused some commentators to say Madonna was anti-Bush and pro-Iraq.

"I understand that there have been reports about my upcoming video American Life in the media - much of which is inaccurate," she said in a statement on her website.

"I am not anti-Bush. I am not pro-Iraq. I am pro-peace," she said.

Guy Ritchie and Madonna
Madonna is married to director Guy Ritchie
She said she felt "lucky to be an American citizen for many reasons - one of which is the right to express myself freely, especially in my work".

The star is one of a growing number of celebrities who have expressed their concern about the looming war with Iraq.

She said her video tried to depict the illusion of the American dream and the values held by her country.

"I don't expect everyone to agree with my point of view," she added.

"I am grateful to have the freedom to express these feelings and that's how I honour my country."


The American Life video was shot in Los Angeles and features Madonna dressed as a superhero on a fashion show runway.

"Starting as a runway show of couture army fatigues, the fashion show escalates into a mad frenzy depicting the catastrophic repercussions and horror of war," Madonna's spokeswoman Liz Rosenberg said.

"This will be a stirring and extremely controversial piece of work from the artist who created the medium of the small film set to music," she added.

The American Life single is out in March and will be included on her forthcoming album due for release in April.

Madonna recently issued a denial that she was expecting another child with husband Guy Ritchie after a UK magazine reported she had been spotted at a birth clinic.

She has complained to a press watchdog over the inaccurate article.

See also:

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