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Sunday, 7 July, 2002, 18:39 GMT 19:39 UK
Party rocks city park
Party in the Park
Grey weather has not put off the crowds
Thousands of music fans have gathered in London's Hyde Park for a charity fundraising concert, involving some of the biggest names in pop and rock.

A crowd of 100,000 attended the concert, known as Party in the Park, in aid of the Prince's Trust.

Pop Idol stars Will Young and Gareth Gates performed at the event along with Atomic Kitten, Natlie Imbruglia and Blue.

Jenny Frost from Atomic Kitten
Atomic Kitten were among the first to perform

Party in the Park is an annual concert and is Europe's biggest one-day pop extravaganza.

The Prince of Wales - patron of the Prince's Trust - was among those to brave the chilly weather to attend the concert.

Blue made a spectacular entrance, abseiling on to the stage to perform their number one single All Rise.

They were followed by Atomic Kitten whose performance saw the group's Natasha Hamilton give her last performance before taking leave to await the birth of her baby.


The group dedicated their song Whole Again to her unborn child - a boy, already named Josh.

"Today is my last day at work before little Josh is born but I wouldn't have missed it for the world," said Hamilton.

Shaggy was one of a number of international stars

"I've got a bit of a sore back but I know he loves being on stage with me."

The concert also included a performance from Canadian rock star Bryan Adams.

He and other acts, including Sophie Ellis-Bextor, Liberty X and Shaggy, helped to make this year's event a sell-out.

The show took over a large area of Hyde Park, which has in the past featured the Rolling Stones renowned 1969 free gig for 250,000 fans.

There were huge video monitors and a lighting system around an enormous stage.

The concert - now in its fifth year - hopes to raise more than �1m for the Prince's Trust.

The trust offers practical held and experience to young people.

More than 100,000 music fans gathered in London's Hyde Park for the 2002 Party in the Park in aid of The Prince's Trust In pictures
Popstars shine at Party in the Park
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30 Jun 02 | England
04 Jul 99 | Entertainment
04 Jun 02 | Entertainment
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