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Last Updated: Sunday, 19 October, 2003, 19:53 GMT 20:53 UK
Sugababes take top slot
The Sugababes
The Sugababes have gone from strength to strength
The Sugababes ended the Black Eyed Peas' long-running stint at the top of the UK singles chart on Sunday.

The trio - Heidi, Mutya and Keisha - reached number one with their latest song Hole In The Head.

It put a halt to six weeks of domination by the Black Eyed Peas, the biggest stretch at number one since Cher's seven week stint in 1998.

The Sugababes beat off competition from Kevin Lyttle's Turn Me On, which charted in second place.

New entries

Hip hop outfit Black Eyed Peas were shunted down to number three with their song Where Is The Love?

There were a host of other new entries to the chart this week.

Mobo winner 50 Cent's P.I.M.P came in at number five and Sophie Ellis-Bextor's Mixed Up World charted at number seven.

Former Spice girl Emma Bunton only notched up a number six with her new release Maybe and US rock giants REM failed to make the top five with their latest offering Bad Day, entering at eight.

In the album charts, Dido was holding onto her number one place for the third week in a row with her second album Life for Rent.

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