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  I'm obsessed with S Club Juniors
Updated 10 October 2002, 08.56
S Club Juniors
Becca knows everything about her favourite pop group, S Club Juniors.

But gets angry when she gets teased about it.

"Ever since saw S Club Juniors on TV I knew I would love them but not as much as I actually do now.

  Click here for the lowdown on the Juniors

When people make fun of them because they are kids I lose it, and shout at them and go in a mood with them coz I can't stand it.

Making fun

My 17-year-old brother doesn't like them and is always making fun of them and I go crazy.

All my mates at school know I love them and always call me obsessed.

I had the chance to go to Alton Towers but instead I decided to go to Blackpool which is about one hour away from me.

Keep control

Stacey from S Club Juniors
Stacey from S Club Juniors
I chose Blackpool because Stacey, a member of the Juniors, lives there.

My mum said I can't let them control my life but I don't mind coz I love them that much I don't care what they do to me.

I am going to the S Club United tour next year and I am third row and really can't wait.

  Click here for S Club United tour dates

Everyone knows I'm obsessed with them and I'm not ashamed of it.

I know everything about S Club Juniors. I also know all their dances and song words.

I even wonder what S Club Juniors are doing right now and I lose concentration at school - sometimes but not a lot."

Becca, 11, Manchester

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