Young Professionals Forum 2023

“Heritage is the source of our strength, not our weakness"
Presentation of the Declaration to the extended 45th session of the World Heritage Committee © Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

“Youth's role in the heritage sector is not just about preserving the past, but also about innovating the future. We are the custodians of our cultural legacy, and our passion and creativity can breathe new life into ancient stories, ensuring they resonate for generations to come."

Continuing the 50th anniversary celebrations of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, the 2023 edition of the World Heritage Young Professionals Forum was implemented in Riyadh in September 2023, reiterating the anniversary’s theme of ‘The Next 50’. A talented cohort of 34 participants from 33 countries were selected from over 17,000 applications, marking a first in the history of the World Heritage Education Programme. The diverse cohort brought representation from all regions of the world, including many of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS).

Over the course of 10 days, they exchanged with heritage experts and engaged with one another on themes relevant to World Heritage, through multiple discussions, lectures, workshops, and site visits, led by experts in the matter. They discussed the impacts of climate change, of tourism at heritage destinations, of the imminent need for a balanced representation in the World Heritage List, and the growing opportunities of the digital dimensions of heritage.

Expert presentations © Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The Forum commenced with a deep dive into the mechanisms and strategic objectives of the 1972 World Heritage Convention which provided the participants with a strong base for the thematic discussions. This was supplememnted by a comprehensive presentation of the World Heritage sites in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and their various management strategies. The participants then explored the subtheme of World Heritage and climate change through a focus on vernacular heritage and traditional building techniques; and benifited from the local context of the Oasis irrigation systems, through hands-on activities. Tackling one of the crucial challenges facing World Heritage today, the participants studied sustainable tourism at heritage sites through the lense of community engagement across various case studeis. They next discussed the evergrowing potential of digital technologies in heritage management, notably in heritage documentation and education. The last, and arguably the most pertinent subtheme addressed during the Forum was that of diversity and representation of World Heritage, which provided a space for reflection on the achievements of the past five decades of the Convention, while simultaneously highlighting the need for a broader interpretations of heritage, and understanding of the evolving concept of Outstanding Universal Value (OUV).

Group discussions © Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Hands-on activity on oasis irrigation systems © Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

These in-depth technical presentations were complemented by site visits to two World Heritage sites, which showcased the diversity and richness of the Kingdom’s heritage, while helping the participants gain a practical view on heritage management. The cohort explored the Najdi architecture of the At-Turaif District in ad-Dir'iyah and the unique geo-cultural landscape of Al-Ahsa, the world’s largest oasis. The visits also allowed the participants to create targeted communication campaigns, putting to use the digital channels they studied during the thematic discussions.

Site visit to At-Turaif District in ad-Dir'iyah © Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Site visit to Al-Ahsa Oasis, an Evolving Cultural Landscape © Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

A crucial objective of the Forum remains to provide the participants with insights on the working of the World Heritage Committee. To achieve this, a Committee meeting simulation consisting a hypothetical case study was organized during the Forum, with participants taking on the role of different stakeholders in the heritage ecosystem. The exercise succeeded in bringing the scale and complexities of the Committee’s work to fore and aided the participants’ understanding of heritage policy making.

World Heritage Committee meeting simulation © Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Exchanges with the Director of UNESCO World Heritage © Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

While the Forum is a flagship capacity building initiative of the World Heritage Education Programme aimed at preparing young heritage professionals, it is equally a platform for exchange where Member States, the World Heritage Centre and other stakeholders can learn and benefit from the innovative ideas of the youth. The evidence for that is the Declaration drafted by the participants at the end of the Forum, culminating the knowledge and insights they gained, their views and concerns regarding the future of World Heritage, and most importantly, their recommendations for its protection, preservation, and promotion.

The Declaration

Presentation of the Declaration to the extended 45th session of the World Heritage Committee © Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

The Declaration was presented to the 195 States Parties of the Convention during the opening session of the World Heritage Committee, and can be accessed in English, French and Arabic.

The Declaration reiterates the voice of the youth in shaping a better future for our heritage, especially at a time when we have to radically rethink the way we deal with our multi-faceted heritage and its challenges. It is a testament to the participants’ acute understanding of the nuances of heritage management, their growing expertise in the field, and their readiness to take the baton of World Heritage for the next 50 years and beyond.

About the Forum

World Heritage Young Professionals Forum 2023

The World Heritage Young Professionals Forum 2023 was hosted as an integral part of the extended 45th session of the World Heritage Committee, and in the framework of the UNESCO World Heritage Education Programme, by the Ministry of Culture in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through the National Committee for Education, Culture and Science and the Saudi Heritage Commission. It was held under the theme of “Looking Ahead: The Next 50 Years of Protecting Natural and Cultural Heritage" from 3 to 12 September 2023 in Riyadh and the Al-Ahsa Oasis. The Forum was developed and implemented with the support of the NGO Diadrasis. 

Other activities 1
Date Start: Tuesday, 12 September 2023
Date end: Tuesday, 12 September 2023