Trust minutes 2013

The full BBC Trust meets each month, except August. The minutes are published in this section. Within two weeks of each meeting a summary of the topics covered is published. The minutes themselves go to the next Trust meeting for approval and are published on this site within three weeks of that meeting.

BBC Trust meeting, 18 December 2013

The BBC Trust met on 18 December 2013 at the Trust offices in Great Portland Street, London.

Key items of business included:

  • Consideration of the BBC World Service operating licence
  • Consideration of income sources for BBC World Service once funding transfers to the licence fee in April 2014
  • Consideration of the actuarial valuation and funding settlement for the BBC pension scheme
  • Discussion on the implementation of the conclusions of the review of BBC internal governance
  • Discussion on the Trust’s programme of service reviews for 2014-15
  • Reports from Trust committees and National Trustees.

BBC Trust meeting, 4 December 2013

BBC Trust meeting, 21 November 2013

The BBC Trust met on 21 November 2013 at BBC Birmingham.

Key items of business included:

  • Consideration of a draft report on the BBC's Digital Media Initiative (DMI)
  • Consideration of a value for money review on the BBC's distribution arrangements for its UK public services
  • Discussion on the review of internal BBC governance
  • An update from the Executive on the BBC's global news services
  • Reports from Trust committees and National Trustees.

BBC Trust meeting, 23 October 2013

The BBC Trust met on 23 October 2013 at the Trust offices in Great Portland Street, London.

Key items of business included:

  • Consideration of the terms of reference for the Trust’s service review of BBC Television
  • Discussion on the BBC governance review
  • An update from the Executive on the implementation of the Respect at Work review
  • Reports from Trust committees and National Trustees.

BBC Trust meeting, 9 October 2013

BBC Trust meeting, 26 September 2013

The BBC Trust met on 26 September 2013 at the Trust offices in Great Portland Street, London.

Key items of business included:

  • Consideration of the BBC strategy review
  • Discussion on the BBC governance review
  • Consideration of proposals around HD simulcasts
  • A presentation on BBC plans for covering the centenary of the First World War
  • Reports from Trust committees and National Trustees.

BBC Trust meeting, 11 September 2013

BBC Trust meeting, 6 September 2013

BBC Trust meeting, 2 September 2013

BBC Trust meeting, 18 July 2013

The BBC Trust met on 18 July 2013 at BBC Broadcast Centre, Newcastle.

Key items of business included:

  • Consideration of the Trust’s service review of BBC Children’s output
  • Consideration of the terms of reference for the Trust’s service review of BBC network news
  • Discussion with the Executive on BBC strategy
  • Reports from Trust committees and National Trustees.

BBC Trust meeting, 20 June 2013

The BBC Trust met on 20 June 2013 at the Trust offices in Great Portland Street, London.

Key items of business included:

  • Consideration of the BBC Annual Report and Accounts for 2012-13
  • Consideration of the National Audit Office’s report on BBC severance pay
  • Consideration of the Trust’s impartiality review of breadth of opinion in BBC reporting
  • Reports from Trust committees and National Trustees.

BBC Trust meeting, 23 May 2013

The BBC Trust met on 23 May 2013 at BBC Scotland in Glasgow.

Key items of business included:

  • Discussion on the draft World Service Operating Licence
  • Discussion on the terms of reference for the Trust’s impartiality review of BBC coverage of rural areas in the UK
  • Consideration of the BBC Annual Report and Accounts for 2012-13
  • Consideration of the Executive’s work plan for 2013-14
  • Reports from Trust committees and National Trustees.

BBC Trust meeting, 24 and 25 April 2013

The BBC Trust met on 24 and 25 April 2013 at the Trust offices in Great Portland Street, London.

Key items of business included:

  • Discussion on the Trust’s priorities for 2013.
  • Consideration of the Executive’s reviews into Respect at Work and its child protection and whistleblowing policies and processes.
  • Consideration of the Trust’s service review of BBC Online and BBC Red Button.
  • Discussion on the National Audit Office’s report on the BBC’s move to Salford.
  • Reports from Trust committees and National Trustees.

BBC Trust meeting, 21 March 2013

The BBC Trust met on 21 March 2013 at the Trust offices in Great Portland Street, London.

Key items of business included:

  • Discussion on the Executive’s quarterly finance report.
  • Consideration of the BBC Budget 2013-14.
  • Consideration of the Trust work plan 2013-14.
  • Consideration of the Trust’s review of purpose remits.
  • Consideration of the strategy and business plan for BBC Global News Ltd.
  • Reports from Trust committees and National Trustees.

BBC Trust meeting, 21 February 2013 

The BBC Trust met on 21 February 2013 at the Trust offices in Great Portland Street, London.

Key items of business included:

  • Consideration of the Trust’s report on the BBC’s Window of Creative Competition (WoCC). The WoCC accounts for 25% of network TV commissions and is open to both independent and in-house producers.
  • Consideration of the terms of reference for the Trust’s service review of BBC Children’s output.
  • Discussion on topics for future Trust impartiality reviews and seminars.
  • Consideration of editorial guidelines for BBC Global News services.
  • Consideration of the BBC’s Welsh Language Scheme.
  • Reports from Trust committees and National Trustees.

BBC Trust meeting, 17 January 2013

The BBC Trust met on 17 January 2013 at the Trust offices in Great Portland Street, London.

Key items of business included:

  • Consideration of the Executive’s annual equality and diversity report
  • Consideration of the operating agreement with Welsh-language broadcaster S4C
  • Discussion following publication of the Pollard report
  • Reports from Trust committees and National Trustees.

BBC Trust meeting, 16 January 2013