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Futuristic Jobs and Skills

New technologies are emerging and we're increasingly blending work and life for a new reality. We've never been more globally connected than we are today, and a new set of jobs, skills and mindsets are emerging to succeed in an unpredictable future.

Don't settle for business as usual. We show you how
to be better equipped for the future of work.




Automation technology such as artificial intelligence and robotics will have a major impact on the future of work, putting business analysts in the driver’s seat. These business forecasters can help companies make informed business decisions, and their role will encompass greater use of modern technology such as artificial intelligence.

| Bachelor of Commerce

Banking and finance

Banking and finance

In a disruptive and technological age, banking and finance professionals will be the innovators, leveraging data to lead businesses into the future. A good understanding of disruptive technology such as blockchain, cryptocurrencies and digital reality will be required to lead the banking and finance world into the new age.

| Bachelor of Banking and Finance


Automation, digital platforms and other innovations are changing the fundamental nature of work, putting greater emphasis on the importance of strong communication skills. Being able to articulate your point of view to influence and engage stakeholders will be vital, whether it’s customers, media, employees, shareholders, community groups, government or regulators.

| Bachelor of Business Administration with a
major in Marketing and Communications

Double degree

Double degree

While it takes discipline, the benefit of a double degree is that you can combine two areas of interest to create a distinct career path. For example, you might combine business with law, arts or engineering.

| Bachelor of Business with a major in Finance/Bachelor of Arts with a major in Psychology


More Australians are harnessing technology to carve out a niche as an entrepreneur in search of positive ways to change the world while seeking a better work/life balance. The rise in the number of global entrepreneurs has resulted in a boom in fintech, online stores, apps and a range of digital tools.

| Bachelor of International Business



Contract and freelance work is an increasing commodity across all industries, presenting an opportunity to work on corporate projects that matter to you. Deep technical skills, creativity and the ability to adopt lifelong learning will be at a premium to score the best contract and freelance roles. Having the skills to run your own independent business will be crucial.

| Bachelor of Commerce with a major
in Marketing Science


Growers, farmers and agricultural businesses need people to manage and improve how they operate, especially with data becoming key to making informed decisions. Key skills needed will be in managing risk, forecasting and setting up budgets.

| Bachelor of Business Administration
with a major in Finance

Human resources

Human resources

While automated screening and data manipulation will be used to source candidates, highly skilled human resources (HR) professionals will be relied on to achieve higher business performance and create a great working culture.

| Bachelor of Business with a major in Human Resource Management


Known as the quality of being clever, original and inventive, those with the ingenuity to think outside the box with a curiosity have the power to change the world. In an age of intelligent machines, ingenuity shows the world that you continue to want to explore, evolve and improve the world around you.

| Bachelor of Commerce with a major in Sustainability



Good judgment translates information into knowledge, enabling you to find patterns and predict the best outcome ahead of time. While there’s no universal formula for making better decisions in the business world, applying good judgment in a world increasingly dominated by technology will be crucial.

| Bachelor of Accounting

Knowledge-intensive jobs

Jobs of the future will be knowledge-intensive, which coincides with improved connectivity and education. These knowledge-intensive roles give well-educated people the opportunity to contribute to their employer in a meaningful way.

| Bachelor of Economics

Knowledge-intensive jobs
Lifelong learning

Lifelong learning

In a continually changing business world, being self-motivated to continue to pursue knowledge will be key to making an impact in a range of business contexts.

| Bachelor of Economics with a major in Econometrics

Market research

Companies will be seeking growing numbers of analysts to conduct research to perfect product fit and promotion.

| Bachelor of Business with a major in Statistics

Market research


The ability to network effectively will continue to be one of the most essential personal skills for business people. Knowing how to communicate, inspire and unite ideas contributed by others can open doors, no matter what industry you're striving to work in.

| Bachelor of Business with a major in Management

Occupational analyst

Researching occupations and analysing data to develop concepts of worker relationships will be crucial in the future. These specialist roles can’t be replaced by robots or AI, positioning occupational analysts as the forecasters the future

| Bachelor of Business Administration
with a major in Accountancy

Occupational analyst
Public relations

Public relations

The world of public relations (PR) is evolving and will continue to do so on the back of mass media proliferation. The skills PR professionals rely on will be vastly different in the future, with a degree in business one of the quickest ways to fast-track your way into this diverse industry sector.

| Bachelor of Business Administration
with a major in Marketing and Communications

Quality and compliance

Customer satisfaction and safety is paramount in a world of heightened expectations. Understanding legal obligations and risks in business manufacturing is a key role in the future.

| Bachelor of Business with a major in Business Law

Quality and compliance


Chatbots that foster human connections have made it into companies and are already allowing banks and large organisations to use technology to innovate and create greater efficiencies.

| Bachelor of Banking and Finance


A strategist needs to be able to succinctly articulate the brand promise and ensure it leads to a strategic and compelling sales proposition. In our increasingly connected and data-driven world, strategists need to deliver more personal brand experiences.

| Bachelor of Marketing

Transferrable human skills

Transferrable human skills

These are the skills that are less specialised in specific vocations and more aligned with the general disposition and personality of a person. This includes your communication skills, ability to work in a team and problem-solving skills. Those able to demonstrate that they possess transferrable human skills will have far greater opportunities for advancement into leadership roles in the future.

| Bachelor of Business

Urban planning

As our population explodes, the urban planning of the future will involve analysing economic, legal, demographic and environmental conditions. Big-data analysts will help make key decisions for building sustainable cities.

| Bachelor of Actuarial Science

Urban planning


Possessing a strong business vocabulary that includes the language of the business world will be critical in the modern era of globalisation and increasing competition. This will stand you in good stead in the fast-paced and constantly evolving world of finance.

| Bachelor of Finance

Website development

As technologies progress and the fintech industry booms in Australia, web interactions and development will be transformed to correspond with new business needs.

| Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Information Technology

Website development
X factor

X factor

Modern universities aren’t churning out cookie-cutter graduates, but critical thinkers capable of stepping into key leadership roles of tomorrow. Possessing an X factor is vital for those seeking career advancement, regardless of whether you’re working for a large corporation, managing a business or wanting to become an entrepreneur.

| Bachelor of International Business

Your personal brand

Your personal brand is a summation of the characteristics, qualities and skills you’ve picked up during your degree and work life. This uniqueness draws people to your product, services or even just your message, and tells the world who you are and what you have to offer.

| Bachelor of Business Administration

Your personal brand


Possessing a dedication and enthusiasm for the career path you’re on is priceless in the competitive business world of tomorrow. Known as possessing zeal, this means having passion for what you do. This motivation coupled with the right degree can propel you into career advancement.

| Bachelor of Business with a major in Management