How to Apply

1. Workshops and seed funding for projects

We are keen to encourage Cambridge-based academics seeking to establish collaborations with colleagues at German universities and research institutes. We are particularly interested in fostering collaborations that go beyond the bilateral, for example those that link British and German colleagues with networks in North America, Central and Eastern Europe and the developing world. For examples of current workshops, see Workshops.

Funding per event, per year: up to £5000, please see rates below

2. Visits to Cambridge by German scholars

To encourage long-term scholarly exchange and collaboration funds can be applied for to cover the costs of visits to Cambridge by German scholars, for any period ranging from one week (minimum) to four weeks.  Note that German visitors may not apply directly to the Hub but must be nominated by a Cambridge academic who will be prepared to act as their academic host.  It is desirable that the scholar’s research will contribute to that of the Cambridge counterpart.  Proposals will be judged on the value that they add to a group of scholars and graduate students and/or the quality of a future collaborative project/research grant application to be worked on during the visit.  Guests should also give a paper/lecture, which will be held in the relevant Department/research seminar but also be advertised openly via the Hub website; the general topic should be included in the application. It is possible to apply for funding for a visiting scholar together with funding for a workshop.

Funding available: please see rates below

3. Public engagement activities

The Hub wishes to broaden its target audience and therefore this call includes a new funding category. Past activities were primarily aimed at an academic audience and the Hub will continue its support for such events, whilst events which specifically address a non-academic audience are now also welcome and will help fulfil the Hub’s aim to reach an audience beyond the immediate university community. This funding strand is for specific public engagement activities, but please note that public engagement activities may also be incorporated into funding strands 1 and 2.

Funding per event, per year: up to £5000, see rates below.


The Hub seeks to draw upon and support the activities of all Cambridge scholars working on German-related and comparative themes from any period and from across all subjects in the Arts, Humanities and the Social Sciences.

All Cambridge staff on research contracts (including senior research associates, CTOs and JRFs) and graduate students registered for a Cambridge PhD may apply, but not visiting or other affiliated researchers. Language Teaching Officers may also apply at the discretion of the Hub Directors and Management Committee. Grant recipients should be on a Cambridge contract or be a registered PhD student at the time the funded activity takes place.

In line with the University’s guidelines for good practice, it is expected that the group of organisers applying for funding for an event or conference is diverse, informed, and gender balanced if possible or appropriate; it is the responsibility of the organisers to ensure that the same applies to the panel constitution of the event or conference. Please see follow this link for the guidelines.

Please note that postdocs will need approval from their Head of Department and PhD students will need approval from their PhD supervisor.

Linking with other DAAD centres

We very much welcome applications that include collaboration with other DAAD centres. Additional funding above the limits set out elsewhere will be available for this. Please follow this link for an overview of DAAD centres and do also contact for advice.

Moving an activity online

We hope that in 2024 most activities will be able to take place in physical form. However, we must be prepared for all eventualities, and therefore ask you to prepare a brief plan which outlines how the activity could be moved online. Your contingency plans will be taken into consideration by the Management Committee when making the final selection of activities to be funded.

Match funding / funding in kind

Proposals that include matching or partial funding are most welcome. However, this is not essential and the academic quality and strategic importance of proposals will be paramount.


Rates are based on actual costs, which will be reimbursed on the presentation of receipts. The rates for accommodation and travel should be taken as a guide and those for subsistence are set by the German Foreign Office and fixed. Any serious deviation from these should be discussed with the Hub Directors in advance and explained in the proposal.

Workshops and travel:


  • UK: £125
  • Europe: £300
  • Outside Europe: £1000

Two overnight stays: £200
Catering pack per person per day: £50 for a full day, £35 for arrival and departure days

Please obtain three quotes for catering for your event if the amount exceeds £1,000, and send in these details with your expense pack, highlighting the choice you made (i.e. most reasonably priced).

The DAAD Hub encourages sustainable travel with travel by train the preferred option. Please do contact us should this cost vary significantly from the rates above.

Please note that the rates for subsistence are set by German Federal Law and we regrettably cannot reimburse claims that exceed this amount.

It is possible to vire between travel and accommodation, but it is NOT POSSIBLE to vire into subsistence.

Please note that the DAAD does not permit applicants to claim for the hire of conference facilities.

It should be noted that if you are able to secure extra funding for, for example, event dinners, only items to be covered by the Hub may appear on the invoice. If in doubt, please contact

Visiting scholars

  • Rent per week: £500
  • Subsistence per week: up to £230
  • TOTAL package per week: £730

Application process

Proposals should be completed using the online form accessible below.

Proposals for hosting visiting scholars should include a CV of the visitor (up to five pages including key publications).


7 September 2023

Decision process

The Management Committee will consider applications in the first week of October, and applicants will be informed of decisions around the middle of the month. The Hub will submit a full portfolio to the DAAD for formal approval by the German Foreign Ministry at the beginning of November - and final confirmation should be received by the beginning of December at the latest.

Applying for more than one year

Although the current funding round is for activities in (the calendar year) 2024 only, we welcome applications for series of events (normally for two or three years). Although each event will have to be formally approved in Germany each year, the Management Committee will be happy to give its approval for several years in October to allow colleagues to plan in advance.

Report and other duties

All successful applicants will be required to submit a full report at the conclusion of each activity as well as a brief news item for the website. Forms will be circulated in due course. They are also expected, where possible, to attend the annual lecture, the German university president's lecture, and a reception on the occasion of the International Advisory Board Meeting.

Reimbursement process

Once your event has taken place, an expense claim form should be filled in by each participant and supported by original receipts (University employees should use Concur). The organiser of the activity should collate reimbursement claims, complete the ‘DAAD Cambridge project expense overview’ and send by email and post to Ingrid Hobbis. In addition, statistical information should be collected using the ‘DAAD Cambridge Event Statistics Form’ and included in the expense pack. Expense packs and reports must be submitted no later than two months after the event, except for events held in December, for which the expense pack must be received no later than one month after the event, due to financial processes in Germany.

Individuals taking part must make their own travel and accommodation arrangements. Expense claims lacking original receipts will not be eligible for reimbursement.

We regret that we are not able to grant any funding in advance of events. If arrangements include the payment of deposits, awardees will have to seek assistance with this from departments or colleges. Please note that it may take up to six weeks for funding to be reimbursed once all relevant paperwork has been received. We are willing to settle substantial invoices from external providers (catering or college accommodation invoices, for example) on your behalf after the event. The invoice should be addressed to the Hub BUT the invoice must be sent to you and checked before sending it on to us as part of the expense pack.


Any questions should be sent to, who will consult with the Hub Directors.

Please note that it is not possible to save your work as you progress through the short application form. It is possible to click through the form without submitting to see which information you will need to prepare.

Please also note that research and impact activities should be completed in accordance with all relevant University Guidelines, Policies and Procedures, including, Financial Regulations, Research Integrity and Risk Assessment; heads of departments should be satisfied that these obligations have been met.