Rep. Ryan Bizzarro lost a bid for run for State Treasurer in April’s Democrat Primary. However, the lawmaker is still committed to improving how the office works in Pennsylvania.

"I realize that I had a unsuccessful Primary, but I can't take my ball and go home,” said Bizzarro. "I made a commitment to all Pennsylvanians that I had a plan to do something with treasury to make it work for everyday people and for the future of the state. And I'm rolling out that package."

He has 4 bills called ‘Modernizing The PA Treasury’—the MATH act for short. Two of the bills are already working through the legislature.

House Bill 126 creates a first time home buyers savings account. It passed the House this week with 192-10 votes. We need to do everything we can to ensure that young Pennsylvanians have their opportunity at the American dream because we know that the rising cost of housing is crazy, not just in Pennsylvania but across the U.S."

House bill 2092 passed out of the Finance Committee earlier this year. It mandates the automatic return of unclaimed property worth less than $10,000.

"I think it's a good, comprehensive way to modernize the unclaimed property system, getting people back their money as expeditiously as possible,” said Bizzarro.

For the rest of the MATH Act, the Representative will introduce two new programs—Impact Pennsylvania and Keystone Investructure fund.

Impact Pennsylvania let’s the state back loans with low interest rates as community banks work with businesses and families.

Keystone Investructure Fund would allow the state to offer some financing for infrastructure and housing projects.

Both programs allow the Treasury to use already existing monies & assets.

“It's just investing money into communities, using it as an economic development tool to attract and retain businesses here and to also finance projects that would be difficult to to get financing.”

Pennsylvania Treasurer Stacy Garrity, a Republican and up for re-election in November, said she supported the four initiatives

“Some people may be surprised that I’m working with someone who was my political opponent very recently, but good ideas are good ideas no matter where they come from,” said Garrity in a written statement.

Bizzarro notes that introducing the bill package now gives it a chance to get pulled into budget negotiations.

"This could be used to be on a trade list with the House and Senate,” said Bizzarro.

"We know that bills like this that enhance revenue and also enhance good and throughout the communities are often used or infused into the code bills,” said Bizzarro. "And those code bills fuel the general appropriation bills. So now is a great time to offer these type of bills."