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Help us to support families and communities affected by armed conflict or by natural disaster in conflict regions around the world.

A child admitted in the intensive care unit in Kismayo, General Hospital stabilization centre.

I want to make a difference

We live in a war-torn world, where millions of people have had their lives destroyed by conflict. Amid the chaos and despair, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is a unique sign of hope to those whose lives have been changed forever.

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The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and its partners, primarily the Ukrainian Red Cross Society, have maintained a close proximity to the people affected by the armed conflict in ...

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Thank you for your generous support to the ICRC's life-saving work in Israel and the Occupied Territories. The ICRC continues to do everything within our power to support people affected by the ...

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As the brutal conflict continues to rage in Yemen, the need for emergency aid grows. Donate to Yemen today.

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More than a year has passed since the surge in hostilities in Sudan and families continue to endure a devastating humanitarian crisis marked by the mass displacement of millions. The conflict has had ...

sudan people icrc logo
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People across Africa are grappling with one of the most severe food crises in decades. Conflict, climate extremes, and soaring food prices have combined to create a devastating humanitarian emergency ...

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The upsurge in armed conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is taking a devastating humanitarian toll on the civilian population especially in the east of the country. While other ...

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People in southern Lebanon are suffering. The socio-economic crisis and recent escalations in armed conflict on the Israel-Lebanon border have devastated the region. Over a thousand lives have been ...