Petrol Maps - Petrolmaps: Road maps from brands of petrol, oil companies and hypermarket service stations in Europe Mapping the history of oil company road maps in Europe
1974 Aral Map of Europe ca1962 BP Map of Europe 1963 Caltex Map of Europe 1968 Esso Map of Europe ca1963 Fina Map of NW Europe 1964 Shell Map of Europe

Above: typical petrol maps of Europe from Aral (1974), BP (ca1962), Caltex (1963), Esso (1968), Fina (NW only; ca1963) & Shell (1964):

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This site was initiated in January 1999;
Text and layout © Ian Byrne, Milton Keynes, England 1999-2016
All Trade Marks and original owners' copyright in maps and other images displayed on this site are acknowledged.