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Australian Politics

In the Australian Politics podcast, Guardian Australia's political team examine what’s happening in Australian politics and why it matters to you

  • Prime Minister Anthony Albanese during a press conference in Sydney

    Has the referendum ‘information war’ changed political reporting? Your questions answered – Australian politics podcast

    As we approach the end of the year, Guardian Australia’s politics team sits down to answer your questions. They cover dream parliament procedural reforms, the waning moderate pool in the coalition, how misinformation has impacted political reporting and fairness in reporting on the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East
  • Prime Minister Anthony Albanese during Question Time in the House of Representatives at Parliament House in Canberra

    Essential report: political mistrust and frustration at the end of the year – Australian politics podcast

    Katharine Murphy is joined by Essential Media’s Peter Lewis to discuss how cost of living and inaction on housing are making voters pessimistic
  • Greens leader Adam Bandt at a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra

    Adam Bandt on pushing policy with ‘gaslighting governments’ – Australian politics podcast

    Political editor Katharine Murphy sits down with the leader of the Australian Greens, Adam Bandt, to discuss the recent Murray-Darling deals, the ‘water trigger’ policy on gas projects and whether Labor should revisit reforms to negative gearing and capital gains tax.
  • Australian energy minister Chris Bowen arrives during question time at Parliament House in Canberra. (AAP Image/Lukas Coch) NO ARCHIVING

    Chris Bowen on delivering climate outcomes ‘against the clock’ – Australian politics podcast

    Political editor Katharine Murphy talks to the federal climate change minister, Chris Bowen, on the challenges leading up to COP 28 and beyond
  • Anthony Albanese’s approval ratings have fallen, with more voters disapproving of his performance than approving for the first time in his prime ministership.

    Essential report: why has support for Anthony Albanese fallen?

    Guardian Australia’s political editor, Katharine Murphy, is joined by Essential Media’s Peter Lewis to discuss Albanese’s fall in approval ratings
  • Residential housing in the central business district, Melbourne

    Alan Kohler on how housing policy entrenches inequality – Australian politics podcast

    Guardian Australia political editor Katharine Murphy speaks to finance journalist Alan Kohler about why decades of government, starting from Robert Menzies, gave up on affordable housing
  • David Cameron becomes the new Foreign Secretary of the UK, London, England, United Kingdom

    The return of David Cameron – Australian politics podcast

    The former British prime minister has been installed as foreign secretary. Guardian UK political editor Pippa Crerar reports
  • Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese reacts during Question Time at Parliament House in Canberra

    Guardian Essential report: does Australia belong in international affairs?

    Guardian Australia’s chief political correspondent, Paul Karp, is joined by Peter Lewis of Essential Media to discuss Anthony Albanese’s falling approval ratings, the changing public perspective on conflict in Israel and Palestine and explore why Australians increasingly want to ‘stay out’ of affairs on the global stage
  • Australia’s prime minister Anthony Albanese meets with China’s president Xi Jinping at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, China

    Katharine Murphy on Anthony Albanese’s China trip – Australian Politics podcast

    Guardian Australia’s political editor discusses her recent trip to China and Chinese-Australian diplomatic relations
  • Close-ups of Australian currency notes photographed in Melbourne, Wednesday, June 13, 2012. (AAP Image/Julian Smith) NO ARCHIVING  ozstock stock. generic. oz stock

    Does the Reserve Bank have a steady hand on the tiller? – Australian Politics podcast

    Political editor Katharine Murphy speaks to economics writers Shane Wright and Greg Jericho on the pain of rising interest rates, predictions for Tuesday’s RBA meeting and the economic tensions of climate change action
  • Thousands of local residents attend a rally at Flagstaff Point protesting against a proposed offshore wind turbine farm to be located 10km off the Illawarra coast, Wollongong

    Guardian Essential report: is renewable energy misinformation working? – Australian politics podcast

    Guardian Australia’s political editor Katharine Murphy is joined by Essential Media’s Peter Lewis
  • Shadow Foreign Minister Simon Birmingham prepares to make a statement in the Senate chamber at Parliament House in Canberra

    Simon Birmingham on international insecurity and the Liberal party’s broad church – Australian Politics podcast

    Guardian Australia political editor Katharine Murphy talks to Simon Birmingham, the federal opposition’s foreign affairs spokesperson, about Australia’s international alliances, the insecurity that comes with global conflict, and the changing face of the Liberal party
  • Immigration minister Andrew Giles responds at a press conference to the Nixon report into migration at Parliament House in Canberra, Wednesday, October 4, 2023.

    Andrew Giles on the need for a new national racism strategy – Australian Politics podcast

    Guardian Australia political editor Katharine Murphy talks to the minister for immigration, citizenship and multicultural affairs, Andrew Giles.
  • Voters at an early voting centre in Perth before the Indigenous voice referendum

    Guardian Essential Report: the factors that sunk the yes vote – Australian politics podcast

    Guardian Australia’s political editor, Katharine Murphy, is joined by Essential Media’s Peter Lewis to discuss the latest Guardian Essential poll
  • Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese delivers a statement on the outcome of the Voice Referendum at Parliament House in Canberra, Saturday, October 14, 2023. Australians today voted on whether to enshrine an Indigenous voice in the country's constitution. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) NO ARCHIVING

    What ‘no’ means for Australia – Australian politics podcast

    Guardian Australia’s editor-in-chief Lenore Taylor, Indigenous affairs editor Lorena Allam and political editor Katharine Murphy on where the nation is headed after the Indigenous voice to parliament was rejected
  • Voters are seen during a visit to an early voting centre ahead of the Indigenous voice to parliament referendum, in Perth, Friday, October 13, 2023. (AAP Image/Richard Wainwright) NO ARCHIVING

    Amy Remeikis factchecks misinformation about the voice – Australian politics podcast

    Misinformation and fear about the Indigenous voice to parliament has been spreading like wildfire. In the first referendum to be held in the age of social media, it’s never been more important – and more difficult – to sort fact from fiction. Now that voting day has finally arrived, here’s Guardian Australia’s political reporter Amy Remeikis factchecking the pervasive misinformation of the campaign
  • Liberal member for Berowra Julian Leeser

    Julian Leeser on the conservative’s case for yes – Australian politics podcast

    Guardian Australia political editor Katharine Murphy talks to opposition MP Julian Leeser about the centre-right perspective on the voice to parliament and how the referendum could still succeed
  • The ballot paper is seen at a voting centre during early voting for the Indigenous voice to parliament referendum in Canberra

    Guardian Essential Report: is the yes campaign gaining ground? – Australian politics podcast

    Guardian Australia’s political editor, Katharine Murphy, is joined by Essential Media’s Peter Lewis to discuss the latest polling on the voice debate and how it reflects on the government’s management of Covid and – possibly – on the nature of reality itself
  • Anthony Albanese with supporters from the Yes23 campaign including Bennelong MP Jerome Laxale

    ‘A yes result will be unifying’: Anthony Albanese on the final push forward for the voice – Australian Politics podcast

    Guardian Australia political editor Katharine Murphy talks to prime minister Anthony Albanese about why a yes vote is still possible
  • Australian energy minister, Chris Bowen, speaks to the media during a press conference at Parliament House in Canberra

    Chris Bowen on the transition to renewable energy – Australian politics podcast

    Guardian Australia’s political editor, Katharine Murphy, talks to energy minister, Chris Bowen, about preparing communities for the renewable transition, whether or not Australia will follow the UK in stepping off net zero targets and the fake (or real) fight over nuclear
About 396 results for Australian Politics