Olympic rugby athlete Ilona Maher hopes to win gold

Published: Jun. 26, 2024 at 5:11 PM EDT

PARIS (NBC) - Ilona Maher may play a rough team sport in rugby, but that does not stop her from being one of the more creative Olympians online—a trait she shares with her sister.

“Some people call me a TikToker, but I like to say first, ‘Wait, wait, I am a rugby player first and then I do some TikTok’s on the side,’” said Maher. “I posted one video on the cardboard beds and then it kind of just spiraled from there in two days, people were calling me the TikTok Olympian.”

“People just love seeing an Olympian be yourself in the village and be awkward and flirt with Olympians,” said Maher. “Everyone always thinks I am so funny. They are like,
‘You are the funniest person ever.’ And I am like, ‘If you met my sisters, I am actually the third funniest.�� But my sisters are a big influence on me.”

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