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  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Der kleine Katechismus [.] F�r die liebe Schuljugend aufs neue herausgegeben, mit biblischen Geschichten und kurzem Inbegriff der Glaubens- und Sittenlehren vermehrt. zum Verkauf von Eberhard K�stler Autographen&B�cher oHG

    Leipzig, Friedrich Christian D�rr, ohne Jahr [1816], Kl.-8�. Mit Titelvignette. 143 S. Holzdeckelbd. d. Zt. mit braunem Lederbezug, Vorderdeckel mit blindgepr. Mittelst�ck sowie Schlie�e. Vorrede von Gottfried Leopold Schrader, Pastor zu Gleina bei Freiburg an der Unstrut. - Gering beschabt, R�cken wurmstichig. Gewicht (Gramm): 50.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph letter signed. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Agricola, Johannes, reformer and close associate of Martin Luther (1494-1566).

    Verlag: N. p. o. d.

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 12.500,00

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    Oblong 8vo (206:107 mm). 1 p. To a mayor: "G�nstiger her burgermeister schwager, weil canzeley gewonlich jeder zeit copeyschriefften den parten von den ausgebrachten befhelichen, zugestelt werden, nimpt mich wunder, warumb der v. Holzendorff die befheliche zu sehen begheret. Achte demnach man erpiete sich ime wegen des stadtschreibers gebhuer abschriefften darvon zuzustellen, unnd die quittungenn wolle man auch auffsuchen. Etwa nach mittags sollen gezeigt werden, die ich vor meine person darzu berichten wollen, doch auff vorbesserung der anderen gestellet, unnd uberschickt euch des von Holzendorffs selbst ubergebene rechnung auch andere brieffliche urkunden zu derselben sache ergangen, wollen die wol vorwaren lassen. Wunsche euch einen guten morgen [.]". - Browned due to paper. Extremely rare.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Der erste (-achte) Theil aller B�cher und Schrifften. Zum andern mal gedruckt. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Luther, Martin.

    Verlag: Jena, Donat Richtzenhayn, Thomas Rebart, Rebarts Erben, Christian R�dingers Erben, 1557-1580., 1580

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 15.000,00

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    EUR 30,00 Versand

    Von �sterreich nach USA

    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    Folio. 8 vols. With 8 woodcut title vignettes and 8 woodcuts in the text. Contemp. blindstamped pigskin bindings over wooden boards, some monogrammed and dated, some with preserved clasps. Second Jena edition of the collected works (in various impressions for various publishers), edited by Amsdorf, Aurifaber, R�rer, Soltz and others. Each volume begins with a brief introduction and an index (a complete index was separately published by Timotheus Kirchner in 1564). Includes: vol. 1 (Richtzenhayn/Rebart 1564), vol. 2 (ibid. 1563); vol. 3 (Richtzenhayn 1573), vol. 4 (ibid. 1560), vol. 5 (R�dinger's heirs 1557), vol. 6 (Richtzenhayn/Rebart 1568), vol. 7 (R�dinger's heirs 1558), vol. 8 (Rebart's heirs 1580). For the woodcuts monogrammed "PG" in vols. I-VII cf. Nagler (Monogrammisten) IV, 2967, 14. Vol. VIII shows the three Saxon Princes with their coats of arms and a 12-line verse encomium, "Des Luthers B�cher gros und klein". The pretty blindstamped bindings show roll-tools and platestamps, various dates and monogrammes. This set was assembled by the Saxon theologian Dr. Carl Friedrich Bonitz (1775-1835), preacher of the afternoon mass at the Leipzig University Church in 1800, then active in Langensalza from 1802 onwards (and superintendent in 1809). His autograph ownership is on the flyleaf of each volume (dated 1807 in the first). Among Bonitz's works are studies in the Pauline epistles and a "Geschichte der Lutherischen Religions- und Kirchenverbesserung" (1805). - Some browning throughout; occasional slight waterstaining; bindings rubbed. Altogether a well-preserved made-up set from the library of a Saxon protestant theologian of the early 19th century. - VD 16, ZV 24 1682, L 3355, L 3381, L 3349, L 3330, L 3367 or ZV 21399, L 3336 and L 3389. Aland 572ff. Goedeke II, 151. Cf. BM-STC German 534 (another made-up set).

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph letter signed ("Martinus L�theR D"). zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Luther, Martin, theologian and reformer (1483-1546).

    Verlag: [Wittenberg, ca 1 Sept. 1543]., 1543

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 350.000,00

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    EUR 30,00 Versand

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    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    Folio (200 x 307 mm). 2 pp. German manuscript (brown ink) on paper (watermark: letter F in circle). An extensive, uncommonly well-preserved letter to Georg Buchholzer (1503-66), Provost of St Nikolai in Berlin, regarding the latter's altercation with the Brandenburgian court preacher Johann Agricola from Eisleben (1492-1566, also known as "Magister Eisleben") about the treatment of the local Jews. Prince Elector Joachim II, who in 1539 had introduced the Reformation to Brandenburg and whose tolerant politics toward Jews enraged the population, had long desired a reconciliation between Luther and his former disciple Agricola, and he must have suspected that Provost Buchholzer was poisoning Luther's mind against his court preacher. Buchholzer therefore wrote to Luther requesting an interpretation of some Biblical verses by which Agricola justified his pro-Jewish stance, and in his answer Luther insists that Buchholzer has done well to preach against the Jews and shall continue to do so, ignoring the habitual liar Agricola: "Grace and Peace. My dear Provost! I must be brief with writing, for the sake of my weak head. You are aware that you have no previous association with me, nor I with you, other than that you recently wrote to me asking for an explanation regarding several statements. And even if you were to write me many things about M. Eisleben, how could I believe you alone? For whoever says that you or anyone in Berlin or in all of Brandenburg is inciting me against Eisleben, if he says so unwittingly, may God forgive him, but if he says it knowingly, then he is a roguish liar, as well as M. Eisleben himself has lied frequently, here in Wittenberg. M. Eisleben needs nobody to incite me against him; he himself is much better at that, much better than anyone whom he might suspect of such dealing. He knows that full well. [.] In my opinion, he will give up his life before he gives up his lying. You have preached against the Jews and fought serious battles over that with the Margrave. [.] And you were quite right to do so. Stand fast and persevere! The words against you which you quoted to me, allegedly protecting the Jews, I will not hope to be true, nor shall I believe that M. Eisleben ever will preach or ever has preached such. I do not yet consider him so deeply fallen. May God prevent him! [.] For then M. Eisleben would not be the Elector's preacher, but a true devil, letting his sayings be so shamefully misused to the damnation of all those who associate with Jews. For these Jews are not Jews, but devils incarnate who curse our Lord, who abuse His mother as a whore and Him as Hebel Vorik and a bastard, this is known for certain. And anyone who is capable of eating or drinking or associating with such a foul mouth is a Christian as well as the devil is a saint. [.] You may show this letter to whomever you wish. I do not know, nor do I care, who wrote the other three letters from Wittenberg to Berlin. You will undoubtedly confess this to be the first letter you ever received from me. For your name and person were previously unknown to me [.]" (translated). - Luther had apparently forgotten that several years previously, in late 1539, he had answered a letter of Buchholzer's inquiring about Catholic rites still in use in Reformed Brandenburg. More notably, although Luther is writing to a fellow scholar, this letter is written in German so as that the recipient may show it "to whomever he wishes" that is to say, to the Elector himself, thus providing Buchholzer with a writ of protection against any suspicion which Joachim may harbour against him. - The Hebrew words "Hebel Vorik" (vanity and emptiness) are taken from Isaiah 30:7. They were part of a Jewish prayer in which Jews thanked God for having made them different from those peoples who worshipped "Hebel Vorik", though Luther construed the words as a code for Jesus Christ. - Luther's anti-Judaism had not always been this rabid as a young man he had spoken out judiciously against the traditional defamation of Jews and against all forms of forcible conversion but he soon grew increasingly bitter, and by 1543 his attitude was one of undisguised loathing. His most notorious antisemitic pamphlet, "On the Jews and Their Lies", was published only months before the present letter was written. With the same rhetorical skill with which he had previously ridiculed the papacy he now invoked a grotesque abhorrence of Judaism. As an embodiment of his sentiments in his later years, demonstrating how precisely the antisemitic church politics and discourse of the 1540s matched Luther's instructions, the letter has been quoted or paraphrased by several important biographies of the Reformer (cf. M. Brecht, Luther, vol. 3 [1987], p. 344; most recently: L. Roper, Luther [2016], p. 532 n. 33). - Less than two years later, in a letter dated March 9, 1545, Luther would write to Elector Joachim II directly, warning him against the "tricks" of the Jews, in whom he is said to have too much confidence, adding that he is "glad that the Provost [Buchholzer] is so severe on those Jews, which is a proof of his loyalty to your Grace; and I encourage him to continue in the path he has chosen". - Condition report: several corrections in the text by Luther's own hand. Date of receipt noted by Buchholzer at the foot of the verso page: "Received by me in Berlin on Wednesday after St Egyd [5 September] anno etc. 43." Slightly browned and brownstained throughout; traces of contemporary folds. Not noticeably wrinkled; no significant edge tears; a beautifully preserved specimen. - Provenance: before 1914 nothing more of the letter was known than the words branding Agricola an incorrigible liar ("will give up his life before he gives up his lying"), which Buchholzer had hurled at his adversary during a disputation as late as 1562, offering to show him the passage in Luther's letter. In the early 19th century, the editors of Agricola's writings confessed that such a.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Ms. Vertragsvereinbarungsprotokoll mit eigenh. Unterschrift und eigenh. Initial auf jeder Seite. zum Verkauf von Kotte Autographs GmbH

    King, Martin Luther, B�rgerrechtler u. Nobelpreistr�ger (1929-1968).

    Verlag: D�sseldorf, 22. V. 1967., 1967

    Anbieter: Kotte Autographs GmbH, Ro�haupten, Deutschland

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t Signiert

    EUR 14.500,00

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    EUR 20,00 Versand

    Von Deutschland nach USA

    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    Folio. 3 pp. Am linken oberen Rand geheftet. Maschinengeschriebenes Protokoll der Vertragsvereinbarung zwischen Econ Verlag GmbH und - maschinenschriftlich eingef�gt - Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. c/o Joan Daves, 145 East 49th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017". Mit eigenh�ndiger Unterschrift Martin L. King, Jr." auf der Schlussseite und eigenh�ndigem Initial MLK" auf den vorderen beiden Seiten. Des weiteren finden sich die Unterschriften von Vertretern des Verlags und von Dora E. McDonald, Kings Assistentin. In dem Memorandum of Agreement" geht es um die deutschsprachige Ver�ffentlichung des Buchs Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community". Handschriftlich erg�nzt Wohin f�hrt unser Weg?", der deutsche Titel bei seiner Ver�ffentlichung. In dem Dokument sind die Details der Ver�ffentlichung und Verg�tung festgelegt, die consideration of One Dollar and other good and valuable considerations": Der Verlag erh�lt die World German-language rights", daf�r erh�lt MLK einen Vorschuss von 1.500 US-Dollar und folgende Lizenzgeb�hren: 7 1/2 Prozent des Verkaufspreises der ersten 5.000 St�ck; 10 Prozent der n�chsten 10.000 St�ck und 12 1/2 Prozent aller folgenden verkauften B�cher. Erscheint das Buch in einer ver�nderten Aufmachung, gilt die Lizenzgeb�hr wieder neu. Als Copyright wird 1967 by Martin Luther King, Jr." festgelegt. Die �bersetzung muss innerhalb 18 Monate erfolgen. Die Abrechnung der Lizenzgeb�hr erfolgt alle sechs Monate. Zudem sind Zweitverwertungsrechte geregelt, von denen der Autor jeweils 50 Prozent erh�lt. Die Buchagentin Kings, Joan Daves, hat sich um die gesch�ftlichen Belange zu k�mmern und beh�lt daf�r 20 Prozent der Geb�hren ein. Bei Where Do We Go from Here: Chaos or Community", das 1967 erschien, handelt es sich um das vierte Buch von Martin Luther King, Jr. Um es zu schreiben, zog sich King nach Jamaica zur�ck. In dem Buch reflektiert King �ber Hoffnung, die B�rgerrechtsbewegung, den Voting Rights Act von 1965, �ber Armut und dar�ber, wie sich eine soziale Bewegung gemeinsam in den beiden Parteien etablieren kann. In Wohin f�hrt unser Weg?" ist auch ein Kapitel, das sich aus Kings Nobelpreis-Vorlesung an der Universit�t von Oslo im Dezember 1964 speist. Die soziale Frage besch�ftigte MLK in seinen letzten Lebensmonaten. Er versuchte, f�r alle benachteiligten Menschen, insbesondere nat�rlich f�r die schwarze Bev�lkerung, bessere Lebensbedingungen zu erreichen. So ist auch sein Plan zu verstehen, 1968 einen Poor People's March nach Washington zu organisieren. In Memphis sollte ein Test stattfinden, wie die Idee angenommen wird. Am 3. April hielt King eine Rede vor Demonstranten, am Abend des 4. April 1968 wurde er erschossen.

  • 8vo. 170 pp. To Verner Klausen With Best Wishes and Deep Appreciation for Your Support. Martin Luther King Jr." auf dem Vorsatzblatt.Die Widmung wurde vermutlich geschrieben, als Martin Luther King Jr. in Schweden war, um 1964 den Friedensnobelpreis entgegen zu nehmen.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Typed letter signed Martin L. King, Jr.". zum Verkauf von Kotte Autographs GmbH

    Small 4to. 1 p. On his Ebenezer Baptist Church stationery. Folded with the original envelope and in excellent condition. To Dorothy Riggle of Philadelphia. "This is just a note to acknowledge receipt of your very kind letter of recent date. Your letter is very helpful and is of inestimable value in the continuance of my humble effort. It was very kind of you to take the time to write" The son of a minister, King studied theology before joining the ministry and, simultaneously, fighting for civil rights. His leadership during the 1955 Montgomery bus boycott, and subsequent bombing of his home, brought him into national prominence. As the head of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, King advocated for non-violent resistance to end Birmingham, Alabama's racist policies and led the historic March on Washington on August 28, 1963. The demonstration's highpoint was King's celebrated "I Have a Dream" speech that set the stage for his selection as Time magazine's 1963 "Man of the Year." In October 1964, King won the Nobel Peace Prize, making him at age 35 - its youngest recipient up to that time. In March 1965, King led the famous march from Montgomery to Selma to bring attention to the ongoing problem of segregation, despite the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. King was assassinated on April 4, 1968, in Memphis, Tennessee. Written while King was co-pastor of Atlanta's Ebenezer Baptist Church.