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  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph manuscript notes on Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations. zum Verkauf von Peter Harrington.  ABA/ ILAB.


    Verlag: Valence: July 1791, 1791

    Anbieter: Peter Harrington. ABA/ ILAB., London, Vereinigtes K�nigreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ABA ILAB PBFA

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    EUR 305.398,53

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    Anzahl: 1

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    An exceptional manuscript in Napoleon's hand revealing his initial response to Smith's Wealth of Nations. The manuscript is remarkable in establishing that Napoleon's first unguarded reaction to Smith's ideas was not in fact disdain, as he would later affect, but admiration. Napoleon was in garrison at Valence with the 4th Artillery Regiment from 16 June to 31 August 1791. He used his spare time to read the first volume of the French translation of Smith's Wealth of Nations by the poet Jean-Antoine Roucher (1745-1794), made from the fourth English edition (London, 1786), which had been published in 1790. Napoleon has captioned in the margin: "Notes diverses. Richesse des nations - Smith traduit par Roucher. Tome 1er. Valence juillet 1791", and has written at the top of the first page "Cayer -" (i.e. cahier), leaving a space blank for a projected numbering. He focuses in particular on five chapters of Book I: Chapter 1, Of the division of labour; Chapter 3, That the division of labour is limited by the extent of the market; Chapter 4, Of the origin and use of money; Chapter 5, Of the real and nominal price of commodities, or of their price in labour, and their price in money; and Chapter 8, Of the wages of labour. The last note in Napoleon's hand is: "The labourer and the farmer are superior in intelligence to the ordinary class of artisans" (our translation). Smith's biographer remarks: "It is clear from the notes that Napoleon is delighted with Smith's picture of economic life, particularly in relation to wages, price, transport, the concept of a European market, and the division of labour resulting in the mass production of pins ('cela para�t incroyable')" (Ross, p. 18). It later suited Napoleon to disdain Adam Smith, as did many French economists, because he had been critical of Colbertism, but in power he was happy to give free rein to his Minister of the Public Treasure, Fran�ois Nicholas Mollien, who was a lifelong vocal admirer of the Wealth of Nations. Provenance: a) the leaves were once part of Phillipps MS 22769, docketed by Phillipps "161 Cole MSS" in pencil, Cole being an autograph collector likely to have obtained the notes from Guglielmo Libri who stole the Napoleon archive and sold the bulk of it to Lord Ashburnham (returned to France 1883); b) sold at auction, Charles Hamilton Galleries, Inc., 10 December 1970, lot 224; c) Hoffman & Freeman, Antiquarian Booksellers, Cambridge, MA, USA, cat. 33, April 1971, no. 143; d) in 1982 the notes were kept in the Buddhist temple of Jinyaji, Chiba, Japan; see text and commentary by Hitoshi Hashimoto in "Notes In�dites de J.-B. Say Qui Couvrent les Marges de la Richesse des Nations et Qui la Resument", Kyoto Sangyo University Economic and Business Review, 9, 1982, pp. 35-42. A copy of Hashimoto's text accompanies the manuscript. Ian Ross, "Adam Smith: A Biographical Sketch", in Hiroshi Mizuta & Chuhei Sugiyama, eds., Adam Smith: International Perspectives, Macmillan, 1993. Folio (288 x 195 mm), 12� pages on a quire composed of 4 bifolia. Manuscript in French written in ink, comprising approximately 1,500 words in the autograph of Napoleon, clearly legible, margin traced in red crayon. Housed in a custom black calf book form box and matching folder. Offered together with a copy of Hitoshi Hashimoto's critical text. Some light show-through, portion of inner margin of first page slightly scuffed and with traces of glue, otherwise in excellent condition.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte autograph, letter signed & mounted zum Verkauf von Markus Brandes Autographs GmbH
    EUR 16,00 Versand

    Von Schweiz nach USA

    Anzahl: 1

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    Letter signed, one page - with intergral blank leaf, 5,25 x 8 inch, blind-embossed `N` with royal crown letterhead, Paris, 25.08.1867, to Cardinal Lucien Bonaparte (1828-1895, son of Charles Lucien Bonaparte and his wife, Z�na�de Bonaparte) - Napoleon thanks for `Saint-Napoleon Day` wishes, signed in dark ink "Napol�on", attractively mounted (removable) for display with a picture, shows Napoleon III. in a beautiful half length portrait (altogether 11,75 x 8,25 inch), with mild toning, and intersecting letter folds - in fine to very fine condition."Mon cher neveu, l?expression des v?ux que vous formez pour le bonheur de l?imp�ratrice, pour celui du Prince imp�rial et pour le mien, m?est toujours agr�able. Je sais combien sont ardentes vos pri�res et je me r�jouis de penser que vous continuez � les adresser au Ciel pour nous. Je vous en remercie et vous renouvelle l?expression de mes sentiments d?amiti�. Napol�on" Translated:"My dear nephew, the expression of the wishes that you form for the happiness of the Empress, for that of the Prince Imperial and for mine, is always pleasant to me [August 15 had been celebrated Saint-Napoleon Day]. I know how ardent your prayers are and I rejoice to think that you continue to address them to Heaven for us. I thank you and renew the expression of my feelings of friendship. Napoleon".

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph letter signed. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Napoleon, Emperor of the French (1769-1821).

    Verlag: No place, "28 vendredi", no year.

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 25.000,00

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    EUR 30,00 Versand

    Von �sterreich nach USA

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    Small 4to. 1/3 page. With address. In this note Napol�on refers to another letter he wrote previously, urging the recipient to pursue matters in his sense and presenting himself as the most suitable person to promote things: "Je ne avais parl� qu'apr�s donner dictat [?] � cette lettre et je vous prie d'elle faire la petition d'�crire que personne n'est destin� autant [.] que moi et non plus not� � pouvoir faire quelque chose que puisse le poursuivre. Si mes occupations me laisse[nt] [.] je ferais moim�me avec urgence sa lettre. | Bonaparte". (Translation: "I only spoke after having dictated [?] the letter, and I request you to make a petition of it, writing that nobody is so destined or more respected than I am to do something that could advance it. If my occupations permit me I will treat your letter urgently myself. Bonaparte". - Addressee illegible. Extensive spotting with slight damage to folds, reinforced in parts.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph manuscript signed. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    [Napoleon III]. Strauss, Fernand, French composer (1823-1892).

    Verlag: N. p., 19. VIII. 1868., 1868

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 30,00 Versand

    Von �sterreich nach USA

    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    8vo. 3 pp. on bifolium. Curious manuscript of a cantata in three stanzas in honour of Emperor Napoleon III entitled "Le Soleil de la France", celebrating the monarch as a genius and as a guarantor of peace. A stamp of the famous concert-caf� Eldorado indicates that Strauss had either been commissioned by the Eldorado or participated in a competition. - Minimally soiled.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph letter signed. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Fain, Agathon Jean Fran�ois, secretary of state, archivist, and privy secretary of Napoleon I (1778-1837).

    Verlag: Paris, 26 Germinal XI [16 April 1803]., 1803

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 30,00 Versand

    Von �sterreich nach USA

    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    4to. 2 pp. To a French general in St. Petersburg, recommending his brother-in law, the diplomat Fran�ois Le Lorgne d'Ideville (1780-1852), who, after studying German in Dresden for three years, now intends to go to St. Petersburg to learn Russian, expecting there to achieve a position as translator for the French government: "Le jeune Lelorgne, mon beau fr�re, apr�s avoir �tudi� trois ans la langue allemande � Dresde, se rend � St. Petersbourg, pour y apprendre le Russe. L'expectative d'un emploi d'interpr�te dans les Bureaux du Gouvernement soutient son r�le dans l'�tude des langues du nord [.]". - Having informed him of Le Lorgne's intentions, he hopes to gain the general's good will for the same, mentioning that his portfolio is a little short of recommendations, but the two French ministers who oversaw Le Lorgne's stay in Dresden wish to send him to Russia nonetheless, emphasizing that he deserves the general's protection and hoping he will be as happy in St. Petersburg as he was in Dresden: "Il convenait, G�n�ral, que vous fussiez d'abord inform� du motif qui amene ce jeune �tudiant dans votre r�sidence, apr�s avoir satisfait � ce devoir, permettez moi de solliciter vos bont�s pour lui. Son portefeuille n'est pas charg� de recommendations; mais les deux Ministres de la R�publique, sous les yeux des quels il a [.] v�cu � Dresde, veulent bien vous l'adresser, et c'est d'ailleurs par sa propre conduite qu'il d�sire m�riter votre bienveillante protection. J'ose esp�rer, qu'� cet �gard, il sera aussi heureux � St. Petersbourg qu'il l'a �t� � Dresde [.]". - On headed stationery of the Consulate. Traces of former mounting on verso. Slightly brownstained in places.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Manuscript (partially autograph). zum Verkauf von Kotte Autographs GmbH

    Napol�on III., Kaiser der Franzosen (1808-1873).

    Verlag: , [1858 ?], 1858

    Anbieter: Kotte Autographs GmbH, Ro�haupten, Deutschland

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 20,00 Versand

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    Anzahl: 1

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    Folio. 8 pp. 1 page autograph, the rest in the hand of Jean-Fran�ois Mocquard. IMPORTANTE NOTE SUR LES RAPPORTS FRANCO-BRITANNIQUES, A LA SUITE DE TENSIONS DIPLOMATIQUES APRES L'ATTENTAT D'ORSINI. [Orsini avait pr�par� � Londres l'attentat contre Napol�on III du 14 janvier 1858].Louis-Napol�on qui a � beaucoup appris � pendant son exil en Angleterre, n'a tenu aucun compte de l'hostilit� ancienne entre les deux pays, ni � son �gard, et a ordonn� l'op�ration navale franco-anglaise conjointe dans les Dardanelles, en 1849 ; il a regrett� que la � d�monstration violente de Lord Palmerston contre la Gr�ce � ait provoqu� le rappel de l'ambassadeur (1851), et que le Deux-D�cembre, � acte de politique int�rieure �, ait suscit� des calomnies dans la presse anglaise contre � celui qui a sauv� son pays de l'anarchie �. Napol�on III prend la plume : � En 1853 (?) un assassin parti de l'Angleterre attente aux jours de l'Empereur d'Autriche. Alors l'�moi est grand dans toute l'Allemagne et l'on sonde le gouvernement fran�ais pour savoir s'il ne s'associera pas � une esp�ce de blocus continental qui briserait tous les rapports entre l'Angleterre et l'Europe. L'Empereur refuse �. Puis vint la crise d'Orient : sans marchander son concours, l'Empereur envoya en Orient deux fois plus de soldats que les Anglais, � et les g�n�raux en chef furent tellement imbus de cette volont� de l'Empereur de vivre en bonne et parfaite intelligence avec les Anglais que nous leur avons rendu tous les services qui d�pendaient de nous. Malgr� les murmures de nos soldats lorsque leur arm�e �tait d�cim�e par la maladie nous envoyons imm�diatement plusieurs r�giments pour les garder, nous avons employ� plusieurs milliers d'hommes � porter sur leur dos les projectiles dont ils avaient besoin. Enfin lorsqu'ils en manquaient nous avons partag� notre pain avec eux �. Cependant les auteurs d'un nouvel attentat contre Napol�on III se mirent � l'abri en Angleterre, et Pianori fut trait� de martyr par les d�mocrates anglais. L'indignation suscit�e par l'attentat d'Orsini fit r�clamer en France � que les puissances amies et voisines de la France fissent tous leurs efforts pour ne pas laisser des assassins condamn�s libres en Angleterre et pour emp�cher que par des journaux ou des meetings publics on n'encourage�t pas ouvertement l'assassinat �, et cependant l'Empereur ordonna de ne rien imprimer qui p�t blesser le sentiment national de l'Angleterre. Quelques expressions blessantes ayant �chapp� � la vigilance de la censure, le comte Walewski exprima des regrets au gouvernement anglais, mais � Londres on choisit de d�naturer l'incident et d'en prendre ombrage. Pourtant jamais la Grande-Bretagne � n'a trouv� un alli� plus loyal, plus pers�v�rant � que Napol�on III : � le peuple anglais ne se laissera pas induire en erreur par ceux qui ont int�r�t � brouiller entr'eux les deux pays [.], notre alliance sortira des derniers incidents plus forts que jamais �.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph letter (fragment). zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Napol�on I, Emperor of the French (1769-1821).

    Verlag: N. p., [after 22 Dec. 1793]., 1793

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 35.000,00

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    EUR 30,00 Versand

    Von �sterreich nach USA

    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    4to. � p. Final page of the broullion of a letter to an unidentified recipient, possibly to M. Perrier, director of the arsenal of Marseille, or Sucy, commissaire des guerres. The letter, which contained extensive instructions on the deployment of artillery, was obviously written at the end of 1793 or in early 1794, immediately after the Fall of Toulon, when the Republicans won an early victory over a Royalist rebellion and Napoleon was "inspecteur des c�tes". The fragment preserved here begins with the words "Le fondeur est", which are struck out, then continues: "Roux, fondeur, �st venu me demander que l'on fixe le prix de sa journ�e. La municipalit� doit fixer le maximum sur cet objet, comme sur tant d'autres. Je crois qu'il vaut mieux payer tant par quintal de balles que par jours. Vous pouvez, pour cela, faire fixer la journ�e qui doit toujours �tre l'�l�ment de toutes les mesures". - Lower left corner torn off (not touching text); some brownstaining, otherwise a perfect sheet. Once in the collection of Andr� de Coppet (1892-1953), now stored at the Firestone Library, Princeton. - J. Arnna, Pages de l'�pop�e imp�riale (no. 6, reproduced on pl. XIV). Correspondance g�n�rale I, p. 155f., no. 130.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph letter signed. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH
    EUR 30,00 Versand

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    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    8vo. 2 pp. on bifolium. To the lawyer and former Paris chief of police Joseph Marie Pi�tri, informing him of his imminent departure for England to visit the exiled Eug�nie de Montijo in Farnborough Hill and a planned private meeting with the loyal Bonapartists Th�odore Grandperret and Thomas W. Evans in Paris on his return journey to Italy: "Je pars aujourd'hui directement pour l'Angleterre. J'arriverai � Farnborough Hill vendredi soir - je vous prie de me donner de vos nouvelles � Farnboro [.]. Je resterai quelques jours, et irai ensuite � Paris pour causer avec Mr Grandperret et le docteur Evans. Mes amiti�s � votre fils [.]". - Joseph Marie Pi�tri (1820-1902) was a Corsican Bonapartist who served as prefect of various departments between 1853 and 1866, when he was appointed chief of the Parisian Police, a post previously held by his brother Pierre Marie, who had resigned following the attempt on Napoleon's life in 1858. On 4 September 1870, Pi�tri hastily left France and followed Napoleon III into exile. From 1879 to 1885 he served as senator for Corsica. - The lawyer Th�odore Grandperret briefly served as Minister of Justice and Minister of Religious Affairs during the Franco-Prussian War of 1870. In 1877 he was elected Life Senator. - The American dentist Thomas W. Evans (1823-97) had many illustrious clients, including Napoleon III and the Imperial family. In 1870 he assisted Empress Eug�nie in escaping from Paris. - Well preserved.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph letter signed ("Napol�on"). zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Napoleon "IV" Bonaparte, son of Napoleon III and proclaimed Napoleon IV, Emperor of the French by the Bonapartist faction (1856-1879).

    Verlag: Apparently Camden Place, Chislehurst, Kent, [1. V. 1877]., 1877

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 30,00 Versand

    Von �sterreich nach USA

    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    8vo. 1 page on bifolium. In French, to "mon cher G�n�ral", whom he invites to England to speak with him about forthcoming events. A meeting is about to be held in Camden where the general will meet among others Raoul Duval (French politician, 1807-93). On the eve of this meeting Napol�on IV would like to take the advice of the most influential and powerful men. Napol�on IV does not want to give an official character to this little reunion in order not to harm certain people but still he asks the general to show this letter which could be taken for a convocation rather than an invitation. Napol�on IV ends his letter by sending his regards to the general's wife and sons as well as to the general himself, asking him to arrive in England on the 5th or 6th May. - On headed stationery "Camden Place, Chislehurst".

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph letter signed (with initials). zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Murat, Joachim, Marshal of France and brother-in-law of Napoleon (1767-1815).

    Verlag: Bologna, [after 1808 (1815?)]., 1815

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 30,00 Versand

    Von �sterreich nach USA

    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    8vo. 1� pages on bifolium. To Pauline Bonaparte-Borghese in Lucca. Murat announces his arrival in Bologna, asks for news and assures his affection: "Ma cher soeur, j'arrive � Bologne et je m'empresse de vous l'annoncer; je desire avoir de vos nouvelles et j'en envoi prendre. Annonc�s moi bien vite que votre est meilleure et que vous m'aim�z toujours. Adieu, je vous embrasse de tout mon coeur et je desire bien vivement vous voir [.] Votre affectionn� fr�re". - Somewhat spotty; traces of folding.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph letter signed Bonaparte". zum Verkauf von Kotte Autographs GmbH

    Napol�on, Emperor of the French (1769-1821).

    Verlag: no place , le 23 flor�al"

    Anbieter: Kotte Autographs GmbH, Ro�haupten, Deutschland

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t Signiert

    EUR 25.000,00

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    EUR 20,00 Versand

    Von Deutschland nach USA

    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    1/2 p. 8vo. Double sheet. Rare autograph letter signed by Napol�on: Je vous envoye, Madame, 10,000 ff. Je vous remercie de vous �tre adress� � moi. Je serai toujours fort aise de trouver l'occasion de vous �tre agr�able []". A later note in ink indicates that the addressee is Marie-Euph�mie-D�sir�e de Tascher de La Pagerie (1739-1803), paternal aunt of the future Empress Jos�phine. A close friend of the governor of Martinique, the Marquis Fran�ois de Beauharnais. She had arranged the marriage of her niece to his youngest son, Alexandre de Beauharnais.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph manuscript (6� lines). zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Napol�on I, Emperor of the French (1769-1821).

    Verlag: Saint Helena, 1815., 1815

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 25.000,00

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    EUR 30,00 Versand

    Von �sterreich nach USA

    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    102:103 mm. Mounted on a single page (8vo) together with a contemporary handwritten transcription. Notes on the Battle of Voltri (1796): "Rampon et la Harpe [-] par le Gal en chef lui meme la deroute fut complette tout le corps d'Argenteau fut ecrase dans le tem[p]s queu Beaulieu descendait a Voltri ou il ne trouvait plus personne" (transl.: "Rampon and la Harpe - by the commanding General himself - defeat was complete - all of d'Argenteau's corps was erased while Beaulieu descended to Voltri, where he found nobody left"). - With a certification of authenticity at the bottom: "corrections de la campagne d'Italie �crit par Napoleon � Briars, isle Ste helene en 1815 / Cte. de Las Cases". Emmanuel, comte de Las Cases and his son accompanied the former emperor to Saint Helena. There, he acted informally but very assiduously as his secretary, taking down numerous notes of his conversations which thereafter took form in the famous "M�morial de Sainte-H�l�ne".

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph letter signed ("Louis-Napoleon"). zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    8vo. � page on bifolium. A charming letter by the eight-year-old to his grandmother: "My dear Nana I will read at 1/2 oclock Nana I will write you better I love you of all My hart".

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph letter signed. In French. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Reber, Napol�on-Henri, French composer (1807-1880).

    Verlag: Mulhouse, 27. VIII. 1850., 1850

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 30,00 Versand

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    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    8vo. 3 pp. on bifolium. Intimate letter to C�cile Marianne Dollfus, wife of the journalist Armand Bertin, inquiring after the well-being of her husband and describing a disastrous visit of president Louis Napoleon Bonaparte, the later Emperor Napoleon III, to Mulhouse. Reber had recently returned to live with his family in Mulhouse, leading a "very monotonous life" and working "as much as he can". He confides a lack of self-confidence with respect to his work that has "crept over" him "for some time" and that he still experiences when he imagines that the audience rejects his music. He then discusses the president, who (he says with ironic understatement) had been "moderately satisfied with the reception he received" in Mulhouse. Apart from the "hostile disposition" of a part of the population, there was also "gaucheness" committed by those who "had the best intentions". In an almost comical manner, Reber describes how the national guard arrived too late and played the Marseillaise, at the time considered an oppositional hymn, and that a speech by an industrialist, who believed "to be making the most flattering compliments", was "full of impertinences". As a result, the "unfortunate president was so unhappy with his reception that he departed earlier", cancelling visits to industrial establishments. In turn, the industrialists, including a mutual friend "who expected to be decorated", were furious at the president. In closing, Reber mentions that he has started to read Armand Bertin's "Journal des d�bats", not so much for an "interest in political affairs" but in order to "find a reflection of something" that reminds him of his friends. - Reber returned to Paris sooner than he might had expected, as he was made professor of harmony at the Paris Conservatory in 1851. In 1862 he succeeded Fromental Hal�vy as professor of composition. - Traces of folds. With very light foxing and traces of an old repair.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Autograph notes from his military education, about the defence of Vienna. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Napoleon Franz Bonaparte, Duke of Reichstadt (1811-1832).

    Verlag: No place, ca 1830., 1830

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 30,00 Versand

    Von �sterreich nach USA

    Anzahl: 1

    In den Warenkorb

    2 pages on a bifolium. Folio. Certificate of authenticity, dated Vienna, 20 May 1840 and sealed with red sealing wax, on page 1. In German: "An army of 40 battalions, 60 squadrons, 60 guns is ordered to take down an enemy position on the Wienerberg, being an Italian one of 60 battalions, 80 squadrons and 100 guns. - There are three ways to position oneself on the Wienerberg [.]". - With handwritten certificate of authenticity by the Duke's chamberlain Baron J. K. von Moll: "That these lines are written in the own hand of the Duke of Reichstadt is certified by the undersigned, who served the late Duke as chamberlain during the last two years of his life". - Formerly Napoleon's crown prince, the Duke of Reichstadt acquired the title by which he is known through a gift of his grandfather's, Emperor Francis I. He was given a military education, reflecting his principal interests. A gifted horseman in the "Kaiserj�ger" regiment, the Duke was made corporal in 1822 and captain in 1828; he died holding the rank of a colonel of the infantry. - Includes a lithographic portrait.

  • showing the them in various poses, the Emperor half length seated, resting his elbow on a table, the Empress leaning on the back of a chair with a fan, looking down and the Prince Imperial, head and shoulders in profile, each 4�" x 2�", together with the autograph note from the original recipient "Given to me by the Queen at Osborne 21 January 1873. 3 Photographs - the Emperor Napoleon, Empress Eugenie & their son. In remembrance of my visit to Chiselhurst on behalf of H.M. on the day of the Emperor's death, 9th Jany 73", on the wrapper for the photos, 1 side 8vo., Osborne, 21st January.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Mariner's Artwork, with Manuscript Notes and Poems, and Seven Pencil Sketches, Including a View of Longwood House, Napoleon's Home-in-exile on St Helena. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Seven pencil sketches and eight works of poetry on an album leaf, ca. 215 x 265 mm. Signed and dated in ink in the lower margin. Recently matted, and in very good condition. Album leaf containing seven pencil sketches of a mariner's life including one of Longwood House, Napoleon's home-in-exile on St Helena. The drawings are supplemented with eight stanzas of poetry in German, and a note stating that the sketches were made by a sailor in May 1851 while on board the Prussian bark Mercur (1833). The ship was built in East Prussia and made a series of voyages along the western coast of Africa and to Brazil, visiting Cape Verde Islands, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro in 1850-52; it was eventually sold to Norwegians in 1854. - Longwood House was the residence of Napoleon Bonaparte, during his exile on the island of Saint Helena, from 10 December 1815 until his death on 5 May 1821. It lies on a windswept plain some 6 kilometres from Jamestown. Following Napoleon's death, Longwood House reverted to the East India Company and later to the Crown, and was used for agricultural purposes. Reports of its neglect reached Napoleon III, who, from 1854, negotiated with the British Government for its transfer to France. In 1858 it was transferred to the French Government along with the Valley of the Tomb for a sum of �7,100. Since then they have been under the control of the French Foreign Ministry, and a French Government representative has lived on the island and has been responsible for managing both properties.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Brief mit eigenh. U. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Napoleon I., Kaiser der Franzosen (1769-1821).

    Verlag: Sch�nbrunn (Wien), 10. VI. 1809., 1809

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

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    � S. Kl.-4to. An General Bertrand, der nach der Niederlage bei Aspern den �bergang �ber die Donau vorbereitete: "Je desire que vous me remettiez le plan de la t�te de pont d'Ebersdorf du cot� de la rive droite, afin que je l'�rrete d�finitivement et que l'on commence les travaux [.]". Bertrand sollte mit dem Gelingen des Plans den Sieg bei Wagram (4.-6. Juli) erm�glichen. - Mit Goldschnitt; an einer Stelle etwas fleckig und mit kleinen Heftspuren am linken Rand.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Schreiben mit eigenh. Paraphe ("Napol") und einem eigenh. Wort ("Raab"). zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Napoleon I., Kaiser der Franzosen (1769-1821).

    Verlag: Sch�nbrunn (Wien), 10. VI. 1809., 1809

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

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    2� SS. auf Doppelblatt. 4to. Bedeutender Brief an seinen Stiefsohn Eug�ne de Beauharnais, Vizek�nig von Italien und Befehlshaber der italienisch-franz�sischen Truppen, vier Tage vor der Schlacht von Raab (Gy�r, Ungarn, 14. Juni 1809), die mit einer Niederlage der �sterreichischen Truppen unter Erzherzog Johann endete. Nach Best�tigung des Erhalts des Briefs aus S�rv�r vom 9. Juni instruiert Napoleon Beauharnais detailliert �ber die weitere Vorgangsweise vor Raab und bei der sp�teren Vereinigung mit der Hauptarmee: "Mon fils [.] si c'est de la cavalerie de l'insurrection, de la cavalerie du Prince Jean, ou des r�gimens de ligne qui ne feraient point partie du corps du Prince Jean [.] Si vous vous approchez de Raab vous prendez cette ville. Il n'y a pas d'inconv�nient que l'ennemi soit entre vous et moi [.] Au point de Rayka � trois lieuses de Pressburg, le Danube d�tache un bras qui va jusqu'� Raab, et forme uns ile de 8 ou 10 lieues de long sur trois de large. Ce matin l'ennemi avait du poster � l'extremit� du village de Rakendorf. J'ai ordonn� au duc d'Auerstad de l'attaquer. Lorsque vous marcherez surRaab, le g�n�ral Montbrun peut maintenir votre communication avec le g[�n�r]al Lassalle, et par ce moyen, nous ne serons jamais s�par�s [.] J'ai fait dire au g[�n�r]al Marmont de se porter sur Clagenfurt pour chasser Chasteler. Comme il est possible que les courriers n'arrivent pas, il est n�cessaire de ne pas trop engager Macdonald, afin que lorsqu'on aura des nouvelles positives de l'ennemi, s'il y a des craintes pour Clagenfurt et pour les derri�res de l'arm�e d'Italie, le g�n�ral Macdonald puisse s'y porter pour r�tablir l'ordre [.]". - Geringe Faltspuren; die unbeschriebene Seite 4 stellenweise gering angestaubt, sonst tadellos erhalten.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Schreiben mit eigenh. U. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Napoleon I., Kaiser der Franzosen (1769-1821).

    Verlag: Ollioules (Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur), 14. X. 1793., 1793

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 12.500,00

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    � S. auf Doppelblatt. 4to. Mit eh. Adresse (Faltbrief). Sehr fr�her Brief des damals 24-j�hrigen sp�teren Kaisers aus dem zweiten Jahr des ersten Koalitionskrieges, w�hrend der Belagerung von Toulon (18. September bis 19. Dezember 1793). Nachdem die B�rger Toulons und royalistische Flottenoffiziere die Stadt und den wichtigen Kriegshafen f�r britische und spanische Kr�fte ge�ffnet hatten, die ca. 18.000 Mann in Toulon stationierten, war die Wiedereroberung f�r die Regierung in Paris, die somit die entscheidende Basis f�r die Kontrolle des Mittelmeers verloren hatte, von entscheidender Bedeutung. F�r Napoleon Bonaparte, der vor Toulon als Befehlshaber der Artillerie sein erstes h�heres Kommando innehatte und entscheidend zur Eroberung von Toulon beitrug, war dieser Erfolg die Grundlage f�r seinen kommenden Aufstieg. - Im vorliegenden Schreiben urgiert Napoleon, der am 7. September Ollioules eingenommen und die englischen Attacken auf die Hochebene von Ar�nes, de Gaux und la Goubren abzuwehren hatte, bei den zust�ndigen Offizieren von Bosset die zugesagten Lieferungen von Befestigungsmaterial (Faschinen): "Le Citoyen Buonaparte, Commandant d'artellerie aux Citoyens officiens municpaux du Bosset. Vous m'avez �crit hier que vous m'envoyez quatre charettes de fascines afin de servir de montre je ne les ai point recus, vous pouvez montrer celle que vous avez et prendre des renseignemens aupr�s du citoyen Taisand. Je vous prie de prendre consid�ration cet objet qui s'il �toit n�glig� arreteroit nos travaux". - Faltspuren; leicht angestaubt und fleckig; Bl. 2 mit kleinem Ausriss durch Siegelbruch (keine Textber�hrung).

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Eigenh. Brief mit U. ("Mathilde"). zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Bonaparte, Mathilde, Nichte von Napoleon (1820-1904).

    Verlag: Saint-Gratien, "mardi matin".

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

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    � S. Kl.-8vo. Mit eh. adr. Kuvert. An Mademoiselle Valentine Franck mit der Anfrage, ob diese nicht Freitagabend zum Diner kommen m�ge. - Die Tochter von Napol�ons j�ngstem Bruder J�r�me Bonaparte und dessen 2. Ehefrau Katharina von W�rttemberg widmete sich leidenschaftlich der Pastell- und der Aquarellmalerei und unterhielt ab den 1850er Jahren in ihrem Pariser H�tel particulier einen k�nstlerischen und literarischen Salon. - Auf Briefpapier mit gestempelter Adresse; das Kuvert mit ausgerissenem linken Rand (die Adresse selbst intakt).

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Letter signed "Nap". zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Napoleon, Emperor of the French (1769-1821).

    Verlag: Erfurt, 9. X. 1808., 1808

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    4to. � p. To the Archchancellor Jean-Jacques-R�gis de Cambac�r�s, reporting that the Congress of Erfurt was continuing as planned but there were no new developments: "Les Conf�rences continuent ici; tout va au mieux; il n'y a du reste rien de nouveau. Sur ce je prie Dieu qu'il vous ait, mon Cousin, en sa sainte et digne garde". - The meeting between Napoleon and Alexander I of Russia, known as Congress of Erfurt, lasted from 27 September to 14 October in the then-French city and was supposed to reaffirm the French-Russian alliance that had been forged by the Treaties of Tilsit in July 1807. Napoleon was eager to impress his imperial guest and spared no expenses, hosting lavish receptions, hunting parties, and theatre performances. On the occasion of the Congress, Napoleon received Goethe on 2 October 1808, and Niccol� Paganini performed for the two emperors. - In the hand of Napoleon's private secretary Claude-Fran�ois M�neval. Traces of folds and very slight browning. Old accession number 481 in ink.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Letter signed "Np". zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Napoleon, Emperor of the French (1769-1821).

    Verlag: Saint-Cloud, 21. X. 1808., 1808

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

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    4to. 4 lines. To the Archchancellor Jean-Jacques-R�gis de Cambac�r�s, asking him to draft a decree for the ennoblement of vice-admiral Honor� Joseph Antoine Ganteaume: "pr�sentez-moi un projet de d�cision pour conf�rer au Vice-amiral Ganteaume le titre de Comte". - Excepting the signature, the letter is in the hand of Napoleon's private secretary Claude-Fran�ois M�neval. Traces of folds and very slight browning. Old accession number 482 in ink.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Document signed ("Bonaparte"). zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Napoleon, Emperor of the French (1769-1821).

    Verlag: Cairo, "le 26 fructidor an 6" [12 September 1798]., 1798

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

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    Small folio (227 x 345 mm). 1 page. On headed stationery. Framed and glazed (320 x 441 mm). A scribal order to establish boards of trade in several Egyptian cities. Napoleon writes to his general in Cairo, requesting the names of such persons suitable to staff the Cairo board, mentioning that the board members for Rosette, Alexandria and Damiette will be named by the generals in charge there, and concluding with a request for three copies of the order, intended for the other generals: "Vous trouverez cy joint l'ordre p. l'�tablissement d'un tribunal de commerce. Faites moi passer les noms de ceux qui vous croyez devoir composer le tribunal de caire. Quant aux tribunaux de rosette, d'alexandrie et de damiette, les g�n�raux commandant en place en nommeront les membres. Je vous prie de me faire passer aujourd'huy trois copies de cet ordre pour �tre envoy�e � ces generaux [.]". - With a handwritten postscript, presumably by the recipient, passing on the order to his colleagues in Alexandria, Rosette and Damiette (dated Cairo, "27 fructidor an 6" [13 September 1798]). - Very slightly brownstained in places; upper margin somewhat dust-toned. A fine document of Napoleon's efforts to set up French colonial administration in Egypt.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Rare lettre de la petite s ur de Napol�on Ier, reine consort de Naples par son mariage avec Joachim Murat - Profond�ment affect�e par la mort du mar�chal Bessi�res, Caroline Bonaparte se r�jouit n�anmoins de la victoire de son fr�re � la bataille de L�tzen quinze jours plus t�t, succ�dant � la d�sastreuse campagne de Russie zum Verkauf von Le Manuscrit Fran�ais

    Pas de couverture. Zustand: Bon. Edition originale. BONAPARTE, Caroline (1782-1839) Lettre autographe sign�e � Caroline � � un prince [Naples, le 15 mai 1813], 2 p. in-8� L�g�res insolations du papier par endroits Rare lettre de la petite s ur de Napol�on Ier, reine consort de Naples par son mariage avec Joachim Murat Profond�ment affect�e par la mort du mar�chal Bessi�res, Caroline Bonaparte se r�jouit n�anmoins de la victoire de son fr�re � la bataille de L�tzen quinze jours plus t�t, succ�dant � la d�sastreuse campagne de Russie � Prince, J ai re�u votre lettre du 6. Je vous remercie de votre attention tant il m eut �t� affreux d apprendre tout � coup dans le journal la triste nouvelle que vous m annoncez, cette mort du mar�chal duc d Istrie [Jean-Baptiste Bessi�re], elle m affecte excessivement. Il est cruel de voir ainsi dispara�tre peu � peu les personnes qui depuis 15 ans sont attach�es � l Empereur et ont partag� tous ses souvenirs, cette perte l aura beaucoup afflig�. Moi j en suis aussi tellement attrist�e. Je viens de recevoir la nouvelle t�l�graphique de la victoire remport�e par l Empereur [Bataille de L�tzen], et je suis toute fi�re de l avoir devin� car j �tais s�re que cela se passerait ainsi, le canon a tir� partout ici, et jusqu � Messine pour annoncer cette heureuse nouvelle qui a fait la plus vive sensation, et nous en avions besoin. Je vous r�it�re, prince, que je me repose toujours sur vous pour les nouvelles. Vous savez combien elles me sont pr�cie[uses]. Le Roi se porte toujours � merve[ille] [son �poux Joachim Murat]. Les princes et princesses [Achille, Letizia, Lucien et Louise] jouissent d une sant� parfaite. Il n est que moi qui sans avoir de maladie apparente deviens d une maigreur et d une faiblesse excessives au point que je me fais peur � voir. Recevez, prince, l assurance des senti[ments] que j aime � vous conserver. Caroline � Brillant officier de cavalerie, Jean-Baptiste Bessi�res, duc d Istrie (1768-1813) est �lev� � la dignit� de mar�chal d Empire. Il se distingue dans la plupart des grandes batailles des guerres napol�oniennes, notamment � Austerlitz, Eylau, Essling et Wagram. Il est mortellement bless� le 1er mai 1813 � Rippach, � la veille de la bataille de L�tzen. Napol�on en parle en ces termes : � un officier de r�serve plein de vigueur, mais prudent et circonspect �. Quoique m�diocre commandant en chef, il est un excellent g�n�ral de cavalerie, courageux, capable d initiatives et qui conduit souvent en personne les charges de ses cavaliers face � l ennemi. Sa mort est vivement ressentie par l empereur, qui d�clare � son sujet : � Il a v�cu comme Bayard, il est mort comme Turenne. � La bataille de L�tzen a lieu le 2 mai 1813 lors du retour de l arm�e napol�onienne apr�s le d�sastre de la campagne de Russie. Wittgenstein attaque une colonne de Napol�on pr�s de L�tzen, afin de reprendre la ville de Leipzig. Apr�s une journ�e de combats intenses, les forces prussiennes et russes battent en retraite. Provenance : Collection G. Joly. Sign� par l'auteur.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Letter signed Np". zum Verkauf von Kotte Autographs GmbH

    Napoleon I. , Emperor of the French (1769-1821).

    Verlag: Paris, 13. II. 1813., 1813

    Anbieter: Kotte Autographs GmbH, Ro�haupten, Deutschland

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 20,00 Versand

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    4to. 1/2 p. Double sheet. Age toning. The letter concerns a reorganization of the troops of the Elbe, and Napoleon I entrusts the Duke of Feltre with the assembly of each regiment as well as the guard of the troops."Monsieur le Duc de Feltre,I am returning to you your work from January 29th, as the basis of the organization of these corps has been changed. Please provide me with the status reports of the Elbe Observation Corps, Italy, 1st and 22nd of the Rhine, indicating their movements so that I may know the precise time of the assembly of each regiment? With this, I pray to God to keep you in His holy guard.".

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Document signed ("Np"). zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Napoleon I, Emperor of the French (1769-1821).

    Verlag: Dresden imperial headquaters, 18 June 1813., 1813

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

    EUR 30,00 Versand

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    Small folio. 4 pp. on bifolium. An imperial decree constituting the "Corps d'Observation d'Italie", with a total of seven divisions of French, Italian and Neapolitan troops, stating the composition of their infantry, cavalry, and artillery regiments in detail: "[.] Art. 1er. Le Corps d'Observation de V�rone prendra le titre de Corps d'Observation d'Italie. Art. 2. Ce corps sera compos� de 4 divisions fran�aises, 2 divisions italiennes et une division fran�ais-napolitaine, total 7 divisions. Art. 3. Les sept divisions seront form�es ainsi qu'il suit [.]". - Written during the Truce of Pl�switz at the time of the Napoleonic Wars.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Document signed Np". zum Verkauf von Kotte Autographs GmbH

    Napoleon I. , Emperor of the French (1769-1821).

    Verlag: Vitebsk, 6. VIII. 1812., 1812

    Anbieter: Kotte Autographs GmbH, Ro�haupten, Deutschland

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t Signiert

    EUR 20,00 Versand

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    Folio. 1 p. Rare document Rapport" from Russia, a request for a pension signed and granted by the Emperor.His Majesty granted a pension of three hundred francs to soldier Henri Endrich, a Soldier in the 103rd regiment, on May 10th last year, who has served for 53 years.For the execution of this Decree, I requested information from the Administration Council of the 103rd regiment? They responded that Soldier Endrich, aged 80, has expressed his intention to receive this pension within the unit, under the colors of which he wishes to die.Although he enjoys good health, his advanced age should no longer allow him to perform active duty.Accordingly, I have the honor to request that His Majesty inform me whether it is his wish that this soldier receives his active duty pay at the same time as his pension or if he should be discharged from his unit. He will be granted this reward in the residence of his choice.The Minister of WarDuke of FeltreResponse: Soldier Endrich will be able to enjoy his active duty pay.Vitebsk, August 6, 1812.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Draft for a letter with several autograph corrections. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Napol�on I, Emperor of the French (1769-1821).

    Verlag: Paris, 20 vent�se 13 (March 11, 1805)., 1805

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t Signiert

    EUR 10.000,00

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    4to. � p. Rare draft for a letter to his Minister of Finances, Charles Gaudin (1756-1841), asking for more information about aid to the veterans of Piedmont as they would soon be his subjects in the newly created Kingdom of Italy: "Monsieur Gaudin, je vous renvoie vos �tats sur les biens des camps de v�t�rans en Pi�mont. Je d�sire que vous me fassiez un rapport d'une page, qui me fasse connaitre 'la loi a affect�' la quotit� des biens que la loi a affect�s aux camps de v�t�rans dans la 27� division militaire, combien il y en a d�j� de d�sign�es pour ce service et ce qu'il y manque" [Mister Gaudin, I return your budget of the assets of the veterans' camps in Piedmont to you. I want you to compile a one page report for me that informs me 'the law has affected' the share of the assets that the law has affected in the veterans' camps of the 27th military division, how many have already been appointed for this service and what it lacks"]. - Because of the many corrections the letter was never signed or sent. Every line has been partly crossed out or modified by the Emperor. - Napoleon's coronation as Emperor of the French had only taken place three months prior at which occasion the deputies of the Italian Republic officially offered the crown of Italy to him. On March 17, 1805 the political transformation of the Italian Republic to the Kingdom of Italy (1805-1814) was put into effect. The letter to Charles Gaudin relates to this process as Napoleon wanted to be fully informed about the financial obligations to the veterans of Piedmont, his new subjects.

  • Bild des Verk�ufers f�r Brief mit eigenh. U. zum Verkauf von Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH

    Fesch, Joseph, Halbonkel Napoleon Bonapartes, Erzbischof von Lyon und Kardinal (1763-1839).

    Verlag: Paris, 25. XI. 1807., 1807

    Anbieter: Antiquariat INLIBRIS Gilhofer Nfg. GmbH, Vienna, A, �sterreich

    Verbandsmitglied: ILAB VDA VDAO

    Bewertung: 5 Sterne, Learn more about seller ratings

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    Manuskript / Papierantiquit�t

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    � S. auf Doppelblatt von hellblauem Papier. An Kardinal Charles Erskine Earl of Kellie in Rom (1739-1811) mit W�nschen zu Weihnachten: "La prossima Solennit� del Santo Natale m'obbliga d'augurare all'Eminenza Vostra le maggiori felicita, e veri beni, che il suo bell'animo sappia desiderare, come di vero cuore le auguro. Accolga pertanto V. V.ra questi miei voti e siarle come un pegno veridico di quelle profonda stima, colla quale bacciandole divotamente le mani - mi confermo [.]" ("Das bevorstehende Fest des Heiligen Weihnachtsfests verpflichtet mich, Eurer Eminenz das gr��te Gl�ck und die wahrhaftigsten G�ter zu w�nschen, die Ihre sch�ne Seele nur begehren kann, wie ich es ihr aufrichtig w�nsche. Eure Eminenz begr��e daher diese W�nsche und Worte als ein wahres Zeichen dieser meiner tiefen Wertsch�tzung [.]"). - Erskine sollte etwa ein Jahr nach Datierung dieses Schreibens zum Pro-Pr�fekten der Kongregation f�r die p�pstlichen Breven bestellt werden und war w�hrend der Besetzung Roms durch die Franzosen mit dem Papst im Quirinalspalast unter Hausarrest. Auf Befehl des Kaisers begleiteten Fesch und auch Erskine - dieser trotz schlechter Gesundheit - den Papst zur Kr�nung Napoleons I. nach Paris. Am Vorabend assistierte Fesch bei der kirchlichen Trauung von Napoleon und Jos�phine. - In den R�ndern etwas fleckig und mit kleinen Randl�suren.