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President Joe Biden delivers remarks to reaffirm the Administration’s commitment to responsible AI innovation on July 21, 2023

AI in Transportation

The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Advanced Research Projects Agency - Infrastructure (ARPA-I) is seeking input on the potential applications of AI in transportation, as well as emerging challenges and opportunities in creating and deploying AI technologies across all modes of transportation.

AI in Financial Services

The U.S. Department of the Treasury is seeking comment on the use of artificial intelligence in the financial services sector. The purpose of this request for information is to understand the uses and opportunities of artificial intelligence in financial services, as well as risk management practices and impacts on consumers and other end users.

Comments are due by August 11, 2024.

Impact of AI on Certain Patentability Determinations

The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is seeking public feedback on how the proliferation of AI could affect USPTO evaluations on patentability, including what qualifies as prior art and the assessment of the level of ordinary skills in the art.

Comments are due by July 29, 2024.

Explainable AI for Intellectual Property Professionals

AI that explains how it arrived at a given result is crucial to trust. To foster innovation in explainable AI, the USPTO is hosting a Kaggle competition inviting participants to develop AI-powered models that use the lexicon of patent search professionals to explain how AI recommended patent document collections can be retrieved.

Open Government Data Assets and AI

The Department of Commerce (DOC) is seeking input on AI and Open Government Data Assets. DOC is interested in how generative AI systems can utilize the department’s public data assets, with the goal of democratizing access to its public data. This RFI seeks valuable insights on the development of open data assets for AI and modernized data dissemination standards.

Responsible Procurement of AI in Government

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is seeking input to inform forthcoming action on Federal procurement of AI. As directed in Executive Order 14110, OMB will develop an initial means to ensure that Federal contracts align with OMB’s AI memorandum and appropriately address such issues as the protection of privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties.

Reporting the Training of Powerful AI Models by Foreign Clients

The Department of Commerce is seeking input on a draft rule that proposes to compel U.S. cloud companies that provide computing power for foreign AI training to report that they are doing so. The Department of Commerce’s proposal would, if finalized as proposed, require cloud providers to alert the government when foreign clients train the most powerful models, which could be used for malign activity.

Updates to Privacy Impact Assessments

A privacy impact assessment (PIA) is a tool that Executive Branch departments and agencies use to analyze privacy risks associated with their activities and make information available to the public about that analysis and safeguards to mitigate those risks. Per Executive Order 14110, the Office of Management and Budget is issuing a request for information seeking public input on how PIAs may be more effective at mitigating privacy risks, including those that are further exacerbated by artificial intelligence and other advances in technology and data capabilities.

NIST Implementation of EO 14110

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is seeking input to assist in carrying out several of its responsibilities under Executive Order 14110 on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of AI.

The Request for Information (RFI) addresses multiple actions outlined in the EO, including to:

  1. Develop a companion resource to the AI Risk Management Framework for generative AI
  2. Develop guidelines for AI red teaming
  3. Develop guidance and benchmarks for evaluating and auditing AI capabilities
  4. Develop a report on identifying and labeling synthetic content produced by AI systems
  5. Establish a plan for global engagement on promoting and developing AI standards

Schedule A Consideration of STEM Occupations

As directed by Executive Order 14110, the Department of Labor is seeking input on how the Department may establish a reliable, objective, and transparent methodology for revising Schedule A to include STEM and other non-STEM occupations that are experiencing labor shortages.

National Priorities on Artificial Intelligence

In May 2023, the White House issued a request for input on U.S. national priorities and future actions on AI. Comments submitted by the public informed the development of the AI Executive Order and other executive actions.

Implementation of the National AI Research Resource

In May 2022, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Science Foundation issued a request for input on approaches to implement the National AI Research Resource based on their preliminary recommendations. Comments submitted by the public informed the final report from the National AI Research Resource Task Force.

Use of Biometric Technologies

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy issued a request for input on public and private sector uses of biometric technologies, specifically to understand the extent and variety of biometric technologies in past, current, or planned use; the domains in which these technologies are being used; the entities making use of them; current principles, practices, or policies governing their use; and the stakeholders that are, or may be, impacted by their use or regulation.

Initial Input for the National AI Research Resource

In July 2021, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Science Foundation issued a request for input to inform the work of the National AI Research Resource Task Force. Comments submitted by the public informed the preliminary recommendations and interim report of the task force.