
Author Number of edits Total length
ZajeliWszystkieNicki 10 39 569
Mirela63 6 13 616
2A01:11BF:304:CF00:F463:A1FB:7867:1E8A 4 77 220
Fruflea 4 50 114
2A01:11BF:304:CF00:545F:4E03:C030:79AA 4 24 929
AramilFeraxa 3 8 171
Mo Cuishle 2 37 177 2 11 820
Szturnek 2 11 632
2A01:11BF:304:CF00:5D45:59F1:5FA4:961D 2 11 619
Mike210381 2 11 227
Mateusz Rynski 1 6 455
2A01:11BF:304:CF00:8DBF:3F75:B61C:9589 1 6 352
Jajakoja 1 5 983
Igor Gaming 1 5 722
2A01:11BF:304:CF00:C927:8331:4BE0:2B7 1 5 666
2A01:11BF:304:CF00:B871:F54D:770C:D775 1 5 621
InternetArchiveBot 1 2 259 1 1 800

Note! The edits that were marked as minor were not taken into account.

Authors list: ZajeliWszystkieNicki, Mirela63, 2A01:11BF:304:CF00:F463:A1FB:7867:1E8A, Fruflea, 2A01:11BF:304:CF00:545F:4E03:C030:79AA, AramilFeraxa, Mo Cuishle,, Szturnek, 2A01:11BF:304:CF00:5D45:59F1:5FA4:961D, Mike210381, Mateusz Rynski, 2A01:11BF:304:CF00:8DBF:3F75:B61C:9589, Jajakoja, Igor Gaming, 2A01:11BF:304:CF00:C927:8331:4BE0:2B7, 2A01:11BF:304:CF00:B871:F54D:770C:D775, InternetArchiveBot,