
Author Number of edits Total length
Dw4rf 7 24 211
KrzysM99 3 72 101
Lelek 2v 2 54 339
KoverasLupus 2 54 020
W2k2 1 27 171
KamikazeBot 1 26 984
LukaszKatlewa 1 26 768 1 23 683
Witia 1 23 623
Pibwl 1 3 938
PMG 1 3 821
Marcin Kacper 1 3 512

Note! The edits that were marked as minor were not taken into account.

Authors list: Dw4rf, KrzysM99, Lelek 2v, KoverasLupus, W2k2, KamikazeBot, LukaszKatlewa,, Witia, Pibwl, PMG, Marcin Kacper.