AWS for Games Blog

Category: Technical How-to

Developer’s Guide to operate game servers on Kubernetes – Part 1

Introduction Live operations are a strategy that maintains player interest through continuous updates and fresh content, enhancing dynamic engagement and driving game evolution across platforms. Game operation teams use live operations to deliver new expansions or events in multiplayer online games, enriching the online world. Player customization, seasonal events, and community challenges boost retention, engagement, […]

Implementing a Build Pipeline for Unity Mobile Apps

The use of game engines to generate interactive content is a common choice for people these days. Unity, which is one of the popular game engines, is widely used for mobile applications that run on smartphones. It is also used for console and PC games, as well as in the metaverse, such as reality shows […]

Boosting Unreal Engine Performance with Amazon FSx for OpenZFS as a Shared Derived Data Cache

Creating video games is a complex process, requiring diverse teams to collaborate across various aspects of a project. With recent world events, development environments are increasingly hybrid. Team members are now contributing from both home and office locations, as well as adopting virtual workstations. Caching is essential in the development of large, immersive games to […]

How Games24x7 delivers millions of push notification using AWS

This post is co-authored by Sachin Sangle, Senior Software Engineer; Deepak Mishra, Engineering Manager; Dhiraj Prajapati, Engineering Manager; and Anil Kumar, Senior Engineering Manager, at Games24x7. Games24x7 is India’s most valuable multi-game platform. It is fueled by a dedication to blend science with cherished nostalgic games, crafting captivating online experiences for over 100 million players. […]

Level-Up Player Retention with No-Code Machine Learning Using Amazon SageMaker Canvas

Free-to-play (F2P) games have become a dominant force and model in the gaming industry. Their revenue relies primarily on in-game ads and transactions driven by a large, engaged, and consistent player base. Besides requiring robust infrastructure and backend systems to handle the scale of incoming players, F2P games also require a continual funnel of new players, […]

Deploy Unreal Engines Pixel Streaming at scale on AWS

Unreal Engine, created by by Epic Games, is one of the most advanced tools for creating and rendering photo-realistic visuals and immersive experiences. This is needed to power the latest games and the Metaverse. Traditionally, such experiences required a thick client, a desktop computer for example, with a discrete GPU. Unreal Engine’s Pixel Streaming allows […]

Game Developer’s Guide to Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) Part Two: Design and Development Best Practices

Introduction  In part one, we introduced key features of Amazon DocumentDB and explained how they can be applied to solve common database use cases in game development. In part two and part three of this blog series, we are going to focus on best practices for improving the overall scalability, performance, security, and observability of […]

Setting up a Minecraft Java server on Amazon EC2

Introduction This blog covers how to deploy your own personal Minecraft Java server on AWS. Hosting your server on AWS can eliminate common networking challenges and security concerns associated with at-home servers. Because you have control over the virtual machine, you can configure any mods or plugins that you want. We will use Amazon Elastic […]

How Dream11 built a multi-tenant user authentication service on Amazon EKS

This blog was co-authored by Qamar Ali Shaikh, AVP – Infrastructure & Platform Engineering, Dream11 and Arvind Sharma, Engineering Manager – Developer Platform , Dream11. With over 190+ million users, Dream11 is one of the world’s largest fantasy sports platform offering fantasy cricket, football, kabaddi, basketball, hockey, volleyball, handball, rugby, American football and baseball. Dream11 […]

We Also Make Games: AWS’ First Internal O3DE Game is Now Available!

Author(s): Starr Shaw, Technical Artist for O3DE / John Kennedy, Head of Product for Amazon Lumberyard and O3DE Developers like code. Developers like demos. But game developers, in our experience, REALLY like code and demos. And we’re looking to share some code and demos with you! After all, when you’re starting to create a new […]