The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Tag: industrial safety

Delivering an integrated approach to safety: How AWS workforce safety solutions make work safer

With over 395 million workers worldwide sustaining non-fatal injuries yearly, companies are increasingly recognizing the need to adopt integrated, proactive safety measures. They seek to provide safer work environments overall, reduce risk of accidents and injuries across the site, and improve employee well-being. Traditional siloed approaches have led to key insights being missed due to […]

Managing Organizational Transformation for Successful OT/IT Convergence

Introduction Industrial organizations are facing a new challenge as they try to merge the traditional physical world (Operational Technology or OT) and the digital world (Information Technology or IT). In our experience, companies who prioritize organizational change management when implementing digital solutions get better results from their investments. This is even more true when building […]

Implement security monitoring across OT, IIoT and cloud with AWS Security Hub

Introduction Industrial digital transformation can increase competitiveness and optimize processes and profitability through the use of big data, IoT, machine-to-machine communication, and machine learning. Continuous digitalization and progressive interconnectivity of the production environment is important to capturing value from industrial IoT (IIoT) solutions. While this new and expanding “physical meets digital” connectivity enables great rewards, […]

Assessing OT and IIoT cybersecurity risk

This blog is co-authored by Ryan Dsouza, AWS and John Cusimano, Deloitte  Introduction Innovative and forward-looking oil and gas, electrical generation and distribution, aviation, maritime, rail, utilities, and manufacturing companies who use Operational Technology (OT) to run their businesses are adopting the cloud in many forms as a result of their digital transformation initiatives. Data […]

Improving industrial safety with video analytics, AWS IoT Core, and AWS IoT Greengrass

Improving industrial safety with video analytics, AWS IoT Core, and AWS IoT Greengrass

Industrial customers are increasingly using the AWS Cloud to meet their targets for predictive quality, predictive maintenance, and asset condition monitoring. For more examples, see the Top Use Cases for Industrial IoT Applications ebook. The first of these, predictive quality, is often strongly correlated with the level of safety in an operating environment. In this […]

Determining state in systems with high-frequency updates using AWS IoT Greengrass

Determining state in systems with high-frequency updates using AWS IoT Greengrass

AWS IoT Greengrass extends AWS managed services to edge device systems, providing security, message routing, and local state processing. It also provides a central hub for connectivity with other AWS services using AWS Lambda functions. Some edge systems with multiple devices produce high-frequency updates, such as device shadow updates. It can be difficult to determine […]