Information for professionals

Bereavement Advice Centre is committed to working in partnership with other organisations and individuals who work with bereaved people in all sectors, statutory, commercial and voluntary.

We are just one part of the jigsaw of services that support those both expecting and having experienced a bereavement. Our role is to have an overview of the entire 'bereavement journey' as it is often termed, to understand how different services fit together and be able to provide information, explanations and signposting to bereaved people who contact us on any subject at any time during their bereavement.

Our call team have a large database of information and organisations at their fingertips - the principle is that we do the hard work of searching for the appropriate advice and information, not the family. That is why we do not have a huge list of organisations on this website that would just become another directory. If you think we ought to know about the service you offer please contact us on 01789 265077.


We provide a range of free literature resources that you can give to bereaved clients. These indicate the type of questions we can help them with and how to contact us. Find more information on our resources for professionals page. If you are regularly asked questions that you feel are not in your area of expertise and are not sure where to direct people to, our literature will be of help.

If you are a professional or volunteer and are helping a bereaved person and they ask a question about which you are unsure, please call us. Our lines are open 9-5 Mon to Fri (except bank holidays).


Please note that we do not carry advertising on our website.

Whenever possible we use professional networks and associations to find commercial services for the bereaved. For certain limited situations we do hold lists of commercial companies but details are always given with the explanation that we are not in a position to recommend and that potential clients should seek information about terms and conditions and fees prior to signing any contract for services.

For general advice in areas that we do not cover, e.g. financial advice, we use not-for-profit services that can give generic advice supporting people to make their own informed choices.

Contact us

If you are an individual or organisation working with people who are dying or bereaved and need further information about our services please call 01789 265077

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