Registering a death and informing others

When someone dies there are also many people to be informed, including several companies and organisations. Whilst it may seem daunting, letting people know can avoid any distress caused by them contacting you unexpectedly if they are not aware.

In addition, one of the first things that needs to happen is the death must be registered. While the exact process will depend on the location and nature of the death, registration normally needs to occur within 5 days of the death in England, Wales and N. Ireland and within 8 days of the death in Scotland.

You may find it helpful to make a list of all the other people who will need to be informed by telephone or letter. You can work through this gradually over the coming days and weeks and ask other people to help.

This section of the website can help you decide what you need to do and in what order, as some organisations will need to be informed more urgently than others. Not all of the tasks will need to be done in every case, but you may find this section useful so you can see which apply to you.

The pages below will guide you through the process of registration, as well as how to inform companies and organisations, reduce unwanted mail and what to do with the deceased's personal possessions or care at home equipment.

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