October set for top ten warmest

5 November 2013 Update – The full month figures are available in our latest blog

Early statistics for October up to the 28th of the month suggest this October is likely to be one of the warmest in records dating back to 1910.

Map showing relative warmth of October temperatures across the UK.

Map showing relative warmth of October temperatures across the UK.

The mean temperature for the UK from the 1st to the 28th is 11.6 °C, which is 2.1 °C above the long-term (1981-2010) average. It’s currently ranked joint fifth warmest in the records, but this could change once the final three days of data have been included.

Mild temperatures were experienced across all parts of the UK – with October currently being in the top ten warmest for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. However, it was particularly mild in Wales, with this October currently ranked as the joint warmest on record alongside 2001.

There were no autumn heat waves through October, just a persistence of mild conditions – particularly mild nights – and frost has been rare through the month.

October 2013 is also notable because it was dull and, for most places, relatively wet. Sunshine hours are currently below the long-term average, while rainfall is already above ‘normal’ levels for everywhere apart from Scotland – which is about average.

Below are figures from 1-28 October, and we’ll update on the full-month figures early next week.

Below is a table showing statistics for 1-28 October, and we’ll update with full-month statistics early next week.

Mean temp Sunshine Rainfall
October 1-28 Actual (°C) Diff to Avg Actual (hrs) % of Avg Actual (mm) % of Avg
UK 11.6 2.1 67.3 73 147.6 116
England 12.6 2.2 74.4 72 131.6 143
Wales 12.3 2.4 66.7 72 208.9 123
Scotland 9.7 1.8 52.7 70 157.9 90
N Ireland 11.2 1.8 84.1 96 145.6 122
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8 Responses to October set for top ten warmest

  1. quaesoveritas says:

    Actual figure was 11.2c, making it the 9th warmest since 1910.
    Why don’t you wait until the final figures are available, instead of speculating about what it might be, before the end of the month?
    Is it because you knew the final temperature figure would be lower and therefore not as spectacular?

    • We routinely issue early stats information because there is a demand for them from the media as soon as the month is over, and the full month figures are not available until a couple of days after the end of the month. We make it clear that the figures are not final and could change following the weather in the reamining days of the month.

      The Met Office National Climate Information Centre provide a full summary of the weather each month and season here http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/climate/uk/summaries


    • John Benton says:

      I suspect it was exactly that, that the Met Office knew the final few days would bring down the average. But hey, then there would have been no (slightly alarming) story.

  2. essiep says:

    i have yet to switch on my central heating this Autumn. It should go some way towards making up for the expensive heating bill of March.

  3. GT says:

    Reblogged this on FishTweed.

  4. John Benton says:

    This shows precisely why the Met Office should have waited until the figures for the whole month were available. October was not the 5th warmest it was only an unremarkable 9th warmest since 1910.

    If you want to play silly games making early predictions then November 2013 looks like it’s going to be one of the coldest since 1910.

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