December weather summary

December saw some settled weather but also some stormy periods. A major winter storm on 5th brought strong winds to Scotland with a storm-surge mainly affecting the east coast. A succession of deep Atlantic low pressure systems brought heavy rain and very strong winds for most areas, with frequent gusts of 60 to 70 mph. This was the windiest December in records from 1969 and one of the windiest calendar months since January 1993. On Christmas Eve a mean-sea-level-pressure of 936 hPa was recorded at Stornoway (Western Isles), the lowest such value at a UK land station for many years.

The UK mean temperature was 5.7 °C, which is 1.8 °C above the 1981-2010 average, provisionally the warmest December since 1988.The UK overall received 154% of average rainfall and Scotland had its wettest December in a series from 1910. There was provisionally 108% of the long-term average hours of bright sunshine, with western areas rather dull but central and eastern England much sunnier than average. Visit our climate section for a full written summary of the month.

Your pictures

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3 Responses to December weather summary


    Dear Sir

    It would be nice to have full report on the front page rather than a focus on pictures from Twitter! Please inform me about the weather rather than trying ‘to be bang on trend’ using readers’ pictures! Disappointing from the Met Office: is that the police or the meterological office?

    Yours faithfully

    Jonathan Leyland


  2. calmgrove says:

    I for one was pleased to see the photo responses to your tweet.

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