Tag Archives: extreme weather

How does climate attribution science relate to Loss and Damage?

In our recent blog post on Loss and Damage, we explored the climate change impacts caused by slow-onset events (such as sea-level rise) and extreme weather events. These different types of events resulting in losses and damages are also implicit … Continue reading

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Climate projections show extreme UK’s weather will become even more extreme

“The UK’s set of climate projections are the best window we have on how climate change is likely to affect us out to the end of the century,” said Professor Jason Lowe OBE*, the lead for UKCP – the UK’s … Continue reading

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My career in climate

Sir David Attenborough looks at the science of and potential solutions to climate change in a new BBC Documentary (broadcast 9pm Thurs 18 April 2019). Met Office climate scientist Professor Peter Stott appears in the programme and also supported the … Continue reading

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Typhoon Utor makes landfall in southeast China

Typhoon Utor is currently a strong tropical cyclone and has recently made landfall near Yangjiang, southeast China which is approximately mid-way between Hong Kong and Zhangjiang. Utor is currently moving slowly north-northwest and is expected to continue along this track for the next three days … Continue reading

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Met Office in the News: Friday 18th February

Earlier this week the journal Nature published a paper in how emissions of greenhouse gases increased the odds of the Autumn 2000 floods.  This paper used the detailed computer climate model developed at the Met Office Hadley Centre. Using this … Continue reading

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Met Office on Newsnight

On BBC Two tonight, Newsnight Science Editor Susan Watts will be examining claims by senior climate scientists that global warming is a “major contributing factor” (Dr Ghassem Asrar, director of the World Climate Research Program). As part of this Susan will be asking Met Office … Continue reading

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