Tag Archives: saharan dust

Review of the year – 2017 UK weather

2017 saw named storms and heatwaves affect the UK, but perhaps the most memorable day was October 16 when the 30th anniversary of the 1987 Great Storm was marked by an ex-hurricane generating headlines as the sky and the sun … Continue reading

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Saharan dust

During Wednesday night the mild southerly airflow affecting the UK spread a thin ribbon of dust, originally lifted from the Sahara, northwards across parts of England and Wales. The dust has been detected just above the surface over many parts … Continue reading

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Storm in Sahara sends dust to UK

Red dust covering cars in the south this weekend was blown in from the Sahara Desert.  A large amount of sand and dust was swept up by storm winds in the desert, around 2000 miles away in northwest Africa. The … Continue reading

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Saharan dust heads for the UK

A wind storm that developed over northwestern Africa on the 3rd and  4th April left a legacy of Saharan dust in the atmosphere over parts of Western Europe. Gusty winds reached 50mph at times over southern Morocco and western Algeria … Continue reading

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