Tag Archives: sunshine

One of the mildest March’s for the South East

Provisional full-month statistics show that East Anglia and South East & Central Southern England have had their equal mildest March since records began in 1910, and for the UK as a whole it was provisionally the 5th equal warmest March … Continue reading

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Will ‘Storm Stella’ affect the UK?

There’s been some media speculation that a storm which brought snow and blizzard conditions to the United States, from Virginia to Maine, is now heading towards the UK. Whilst this makes great headlines, it is not quite the case. The … Continue reading

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The weather has given us all a dry January

The UK has had its own Dry January, as most parts have experienced lower than average rainfall during the month. Provisional January 2017 data Mean temp (°C) Sunshine (hours) Rainfall (mm)   Actual Diff to avg Actual % of avg … Continue reading

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October – sunny and dry for many so far

October, so far has been a relatively quiet month with high pressure centred over Scandinavia controlling the weather across the UK for most of the past fortnight. The influence of the high pressure has meant many places have seen rather … Continue reading

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September warmth in the UK

Figures and text updated 4 October 2016 with provisional full month data. Despite a mixture of weather across the UK, two warm spells around the 9th and 13th of the month helped boost temperatures, with this September provisionally the equal-second … Continue reading

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North-south rainfall divide for July

The early July statistics (1st -28th) show a stark contrast in the UK between parts of the north and south as far as rainfall is concerned. St Catherine’s Point, on the Isle of Wight, recorded only 1.4 mm of rain, … Continue reading

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Contrasting weather for Europe this weekend

A developing area of low pressure across central Europe will bring a spell of very unsettled weather across the Alps to the Baltic over the next couple of days, but also introduce increasingly hot conditions to southeast Europe. Warm and … Continue reading

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Will summer be a washout or a scorcher?

Summer is a time when many look forward to enjoying the great outdoors, but all too often the British weather can, quite literally, dampen our spirits. The Met Office has just released its contingency planners’ outlook covering the period for … Continue reading

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Is the weather going to be record breaking?

There has been some suggestion that this May could be the hottest ever recorded in the UK.  However, unfortunately, it really is still too early to be sure about the final figures.  The mid month UK statistics (1-15 May 2016) show, … Continue reading

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Is this summer going to be record breaking?

There are headlines in the media today suggesting the UK is in for a “hotter than usual summer”.  This prediction seems to have been based on the latest Met Office three month outlook for contingency planners. As we’ve discussed previously, … Continue reading

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