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For Insects, Spiders & Their Kin
For the United States & Canada
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Subspecies Megarhyssa macrurus macrurus

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C.A. Triplehorn Insect Collection (OSUC)

The collection holds more than 3.5 million insect specimens and is one of the largest university insect collections in the world. All groups of insects are represented in the collection, and we are recognized for our holdings of leafhoppers (Cicadellidae), beetles (Coleoptera), and true flies (Diptera).

The Triplehorn Insect Collection is housed within the Museum of Biological Diversity, located on the West Campus of the Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio.

On 29 April, 2005, the Ohio State Insect Collection was renamed in honor of Dr. Charles A. Triplehorn, Professor of Entomology and Curator at OSU between 1962 and 1992.

Factsheets on agriculturally important insects

India, National Bureau of Agricultural Insect Resources

Brown W.S. (2004-2013) The aquatic insects of Gunnison County, Colorado

Canadian Grain Commission: insect pests of stored grain

DeFoliart G.R. (2002) The human use of insects as a food resource: a bibliographic account in progress

Caribbean Insect & Plant Database @ Harvard Entomology

covers specimens from the collections of the participating Dominican & US institutions

Factsheets on agriculturally important insects

Rohrbeck R. (2004-2014) Flyfishing entomology
excellent resource put together by one of BG's editors; use site map to explore the bounty | jump to species distribution maps: mayflies · caddisflies

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