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Insetos do Brasil
By José Albertino Rafael, Gabriel A. R. Melo, Claudio J. B. de Carvalho, Sônia A. Casari & Reginaldo Constantino
Holos Editora, 2012

Report on the insect diversity of the Algodones Dunes
By Lynn S. Kimsey
Bohart Museum of Entomology 1-32, 2009

Forest insect and disease surveys in the eastern region of Ontario
By C. A. Barnes
Canadian Forest Service 1-19, 1976

First detailed report of brood parasitoidism in the invasive population of the paper wasp Polistes dominulus ...
By A. A. Madden, M. M. Davis, P. T. Sparks
Insectes Sociaux 57: 257-260, 2010
First detailed report of brood parasitoidism in the invasive population of the paper wasp Polistes dominulus (Hymenoptera, Vespidae) in North America.

Lepidoptera: Chalcoela iphitalis

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Fungus-Insect Relationships: Perspectives in Ecology and Evolution
By Quentin Wheeler, Meredith Blackwell
Columbia University Press, 1984

Forest pest insects in North America: a photographic guide
By Van Driesche R.G., LaForest J.H., Bargeron C.T., Reardon R.C., Herlihy M.
USDA Forest Service. Forest Health Technology Enterprise Team. Morgantown, WV, 2012

Insect Pests of Rice
By M. D. Pathak, Zeyaur R. Khan
International Rice Research Institute 1-79, 1994

The phytophagous insect fauna associated with Baccharis halimifolia L. and B. neglecta Britton in Texas, Louisiana, and ...
By W. A. Palmer
Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 89: 185--199, 1987
The phytophagous insect fauna associated with Baccharis halimifolia L. and B. neglecta Britton in Texas, Louisiana, and Northern Mexico.

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