Wikidata Outreach
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Wikidata is a free knowledge base that can be read and edited by humans and machines alike. If you understand the difference between plain text and data you will understand that this project is Wikipedia's Game-changer.

Wikidata is one of the newest Wikimedia projects. It is not known and understood enough yet. Your task is to help change this by helping with the outreach efforts around Wikidata. How we're going to do this? Let's figure it out. Let's plan a social media campaign? Let's make documentation easier to find and understand? Let's showcase amazing things around Wikidata? Let's do some storytelling? Or something completely different? Based on your skillset and interest we will figure out the right steps together.

Skills: at least a basic understanding of Wikidata, ideas and writing skills

Mentor: Lydia Pintscher

Version: master
Severity: enhancement



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.Nov 22 2014, 3:00 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz61991.

andnlnbn18 wrote:

I think social media can do wonders in popularizing anything and everything.
Apart from that making the documentation simple ,that could be comprehended by the majority will serve the purpose.

jaimelynschatz wrote:

I've posted an OPW proposal for this project:

It's a Hacker's Map to help new contributors know where/how to start. I hope to use it as part of an outreach campaign for the 2nd half of a FOSS OPW internship (if I'm selected.)

I'm also interested in this project. My proposal for the outreach campaign can be found at

My media wiki page regarding this project can be found at

jaimelynschatz wrote:

(In reply to Sandaru from comment #3)

I'm also interested in this project. My proposal for the outreach campaign
can be found at

My media wiki page regarding this project can be found at

:) Nice project proposal - I love the idea of creating a video! Good luck!! :D

(In reply to JaimeLyn from comment #4)

(In reply to Sandaru from comment #3)

I'm also interested in this project. My proposal for the outreach campaign
can be found at

My media wiki page regarding this project can be found at

:) Nice project proposal - I love the idea of creating a video! Good luck!!

Thank You ! :)

helenhalbert wrote:

I'm also joining the party - hello fellow OPW applicants! Congrats on all your hard work so far.

I'm Helen and have submitted a proposal for working on Wikidata outreach efforts that can be found here:

My application on Mediawiki is here:


(In reply to Lydia Pintscher from comment #0)

Wikidata is a free knowledge base that can be read and edited by humans and
machines alike. If you understand the difference between plain text and data
you will understand that this project is Wikipedia's Game-changer.

Wikidata is one of the newest Wikimedia projects. It is not known and
understood enough yet. Your task is to help change this by helping with the
outreach efforts around Wikidata. How we're going to do this? Let's figure
it out. Let's plan a social media campaign? Let's make documentation easier
to find and understand? Let's showcase amazing things around Wikidata? Let's
do some storytelling? Or something completely different? Based on your
skillset and interest we will figure out the right steps together.

Skills: at least a basic understanding of Wikidata, ideas and writing skills

Mentor: Lydia Pintscher

(setting to lowest so it doesn't show up in searches)

emilymaemura wrote:

I've also got a proposal in the works for the Outreach project, please see the page here :



ravindranvandana wrote:

HI this is my proposal for the OPW please find it below.


shreeshikha21 wrote:

Even I am interested in this Project. My proposal can be found at

Shikha Shree

Some random ideas for students / mentors about this project:

  • Adapt "The Wikipedia Adventure" to wikidata
  • create a survey for admins of MW instances to know which Wikibase Repository features are needed for them to use it (list of active wikis can be found on Identify needs, characterize *their* needed Minimum Viable Product
  • migration guides for MediaWiki users
  • infographics
  • main page redesign (example:
  • video walkthroughs for specific tasks

shreeshikha21 wrote:

How can Mediawiki Home Page redesign be helpful for Wikidata Outreach. Imean all we can to is to include all the projects of Wikimedia foundation powered by Mediawiki on the main page of Mediawiki, but that will be equally for all the projects. How can this hepl us with Wikidata Outreach?

shreeshikha21 wrote:

(In reply to dacuetu from comment #11)

Some random ideas for students / mentors about this project:

  • Adapt "The Wikipedia Adventure" to wikidata
  • create a survey for admins of MW instances to know which Wikibase

Repository features are needed for them to use it (list of active wikis can
be found on Identify needs, characterize *their*
needed Minimum Viable Product

  • migration guides for MediaWiki users
  • infographics
  • main page redesign (example:

  • video walkthroughs for specific tasks

How can Mediawiki Home Page redesign be helpful for Wikidata Outreach. I mean all we can to is to include all the projects of Wikimedia foundation powered by Mediawiki on the main page of Mediawiki, but that will be equally for all the projects. How can this hepl us with Wikidata Outreach?

  • General request to everybody: Please strip unneeded quotes when adding a comment. Thank you. ****

(Brainstorming and just posting further questions might be better on a wikipage instead of this bugtracker, but I'll leave that to mentors/organizers.)

FOSS OPW round 8 has finished. What is the status of this project? We are missing the required wrap up post, or I couldn't find it.

helenhalbert wrote:

(In reply to Quim Gil from comment #15)

FOSS OPW round 8 has finished. What is the status of this project? We are
missing the required wrap up post, or I couldn't find it.

thanks Quim and Lydia - I will add the link and a final summary to my reporting page later today.