Fipadoc 2024 interview: Christine Camdessus, Creative Director

This year Italy is in the frame at the Biarritz-based Fipadoc, running 19-27 January. The festival opens with Giulia Giapponesi’s Bella Ciao, which precedes a programme of recent Italian docs, and a professional assessment of how to work with and within the Italian doc industry. Key competition programmes in Biarritz are for International, French, Music and Impact docs, and the 2000+ international delegates can enjoy a packed Industry programme of pitches, master-classes, talks and debates.

FIPADOC call for pitch submissions 

The Biarritz-based festival and market has launched a call for documentary projects for its International Pitch session organized for FIPADOC Industry Days, running January 22 to 25 2024. During the event 24 documentary project teams will be looking for new partners. A number of cash and in-kind prizes will be up for grabs. The application deadline is November 2 2023.