Home News CPH:DOX boss to leave fest to head up Danish Film School

CPH:DOX boss to leave fest to head up Danish Film School

Tine Fischer

The founder and CEO of CPH:DOX, Tine Fischer, has been appointed Director of The National Film School of Denmark. She will take over the new position in May after heading up the 18th edition of CPH:DOX that runs April 21 to May 2 2021. 


Since 2019 Fischer has been CEO of Copenhagen Film Festivals which also includes CPH PIX and the children’s film festival BUSTER. 


“Needless to say, it’s been a difficult decision for me to leave the festivals. I founded CPH:DOX in 2003, and in collaboration with amazing colleagues and partners from all over the world I have spent almost my entire adult life growing the festival to become what it is today,” Fischer said in a statement. 


“I’m confident that CPH:DOX will continue to play an important role as a leading festival in a vibrant global documentary community in the years to come. The role of film festivals is changing as we speak, just as I see the role of film schools undergoing a parallel renewal. I’m now discussing with my board how I can keep my engagement with the festivals in the future in the best possible way. For now, we are fully immersed in getting CPH:DOX ready for April and I can’t wait to make it happen,” Fischer adds.


Copenhagen Film Festivals will now start the process of appointing a new festival director to head CPH:DOX, CPH PIX and BUSTER. Tine Fischer will take over her new position at The National Film School of Denmark in May 2021. 


Fischer founded CPH:DOX in 2003. It grew from 14,000 admissions in its first year to a total number of 114,400 admissions in 2019. In 2020, CPH:DOX decided to roll out in a digital version a week before its opening due to the COVID-19 crisis, becoming one of the first major international film festivals to go online. 


In 2021, the CPH:DOX has moved from March to April due to the current COVID-19 shutdown in Denmark.