Co-educational schools

Former boys-only schools that now admit girls

  • Winchester College: Founded in 1382. It admitted girls to its sixth form for the first time in September 2022
  • Rugby School: Founded in 1567. It admitted sixth-form girls in 1976. In 1992, it took girls at age 13
  • Charterhouse School: Founded in 1611, it admitted sixth-form girls in 1971. In September 2021, it started taking girls from the age of 13
  • Shrewsbury School: Founded in 1552, it took sixth-form girls in 2008 and, since 2015, girls of all ages

Schools that are still boys only

  • Eton College: Founded in 1440
  • Harrow School: Founded in 1572
  • Radley College: Founded in 1847
  • St Paul’s School: Founded in 1509
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