Data and Labour Market Information

The Employers’ Skills and Education Board have established a Data and Labour Market Steering Group.

The steering group involves all our local colleges, local authorities, the University of Chester, Jobcentre Plus, The Youth Federation, National Careers Service and other local partners who work together to develop data and labour market intelligence that will inform the development of the curriculum across Cheshire and Warrington.

The steering group has commissioned a series of reports as well as some qualification pathways which have been set within the context of the Cheshire and Warrington economy.

Priorities for the next phase of work are currently being agreed upon.

Please contact if you would like to like more information on the work of the steering group or are interested in becoming a member.

The Terms of Reference of Data and Labour Marketing Steering Group can be found here

Data And Labour Market Steering Group Terms Of Reference Version Of 5 November 2019

DATE ADDED: 3/19/2021 2:43:15 PM


Data and Labour Market Reports

The data and labour market steering group have commissioned a series of reports. Each report includes a set of summary slides.

Find out more here
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Job Vacancies Analysis by sector

The data and labour marketing steering group have commissioned work that analyses job posting vacancies by sector in Cheshire and Warrington from 1st January 2021 to 31st December 2021, 1st February 2022 to 31st July 2022 and 1st March 2021 to 28 February 2023. The analysis of 23 individual occupations/career areas includes information on skills, qualifications, levels of education and local employers advertising vacancies.

Find out more here
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Job Vacancies by geography

The Cheshire and Warrington Data and Labour Marketing Steering Group on behalf of Enterprise Cheshire and Warrington have commissioned work that analyses job posting vacancies in Cheshire and Warrington from 1st March 2021 to 28 February 2023. The analysis includes information on skills, qualifications, levels of education and local employers advertising vacancies, across Cheshire and Warrington, in each of the 3 Local Authority areas and by 23 towns in Cheshire and Warrington.

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Job Vacancies Skills Comparison

The Cheshire and Warrington Data and Labour Marketing Steering Group on behalf of Enterprise Cheshire and Warrington have commissioned work that compares the skills requested in job posting vacancies in Cheshire and Warrington from April 2021 to March 2022 and April 2022 to March 2023.

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Cheshire and Warrington Labour Market - Sector Pathways

The Cheshire and Warrington Data and Labour Market Steering Group have commissioned work that takes the qualification pathways that have been developed by the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education, mapping different occupations against them and contextualising them for the Cheshire and Warrington economy.

Find out more here

Cheshire and Warrington Opportunities Portal

The Opportunities Portal provides a single place to search for jobs, apprenticeships and training courses with over 18k vacancies updated every 30 minutes. It also provides information about local areas, key growth industries and future careers in Cheshire and Warrington.

Visit the portal here