Digital Skills Partnership

The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Digital Skills Partnership (DSP) was launched in May 2019. Our DSP works alongside the National Digital Skills Partnership Board to ensure that the Government’s UK Digital Strategy is responsive to local needs. In return the local area can make the most of national opportunities, sector analysis to inform delivery, cross-government department collaboration and funding opportunities to overcome digital challenges.

The role of the DSP is to work with what already exists, provide a strategic framework to maximise impact and to be “a LOUD voice” for digital skills locally and beyond.


“A Local Digital Skills Partnership should be a local movement for change, based on a common belief in the importance of digital skills, a commitment to take action, and the passion to sustain this action and pass on learning and experience to others”  DCMS 2018

The UK Government’s  Digital Strategy published in 2017 sets out the ambition to create a world leading digital economy. The strategy recognised the importance of digital skills in enabling economic growth, not just in the digital sector in its own right, but also, across the entire economy. The strategy proposed a National Digital Skills Partnership, from which 6 Local Digital Skills Partnerships have been established to focus a local perspective. 

The CIoS DSP was launched in May 2019. Our DSP works alongside the National Digital Skills Partnership Board to ensure that the Government’s UK Digital Strategy is responsive to local needs. In return the local area can make the most of national opportunities, sector analysis to inform delivery, cross-government department collaboration and funding opportunities to overcome digital challenges.

There is already a significant amount of excellent work underway in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly to improve digital skills. The role of the DSP is to work with what already exists, provide a strategic framework to maximise impact and to be “a LOUD voice” for digital skills locally and beyond. The CIoS DSP will work with public private and voluntary sector organisations to understand challenges and opportunities, provide strategic leadership and champion the importance of digital skills. We work to foster greater collaboration, remove barriers to growth and actively champion and lobby on behalf of the digital skills agenda


What next:

The more local businesses, providers, charities and other organisations we can get involved, the greater the success and impact to the work of the partnership. For further information or to discuss the partnership, please email

For more information please visit the DSP website

Key Resources