Strategic Projects

Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly LEP works with partners on strategic opportunities to deliver projects across the region.


Strategic Projects Programmes

Missing Middle “Building Cornwall’s Floating Offshore Wind Industry”

Missing Middle “Building Cornwall’s Floating Offshore Wind Industry”

The pipeline of floating offshore wind (FLOW) projects in the Celtic Sea is now one of the three largest in the world. The Crown Estate’s (TCE) plan is that over 4.5GW of floating offshore wind (FLOW) capacity be deployed in the Celtic Sea by 2035, and a further 12GW by 2045. The associated total investment, of over £100Bn, represents the single largest economic development opportunity in the Celtic Sea region for decades. The key to maximising the associated regional economic benefits will be to maximise regional work capture, routinely described as local content.

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Visit Cornwall 2030 and beyond

Visit Cornwall 2030 and beyond

We must cease defining who is or is not a tourist. Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly is shaped by tourism. There are on average 24 million staying visitor days and 14-million-day visitor days per year, with the vast majority of day visits being undertaken by local residents. The tourism experience is very much shaped by its people, and its natural environment, as well as our public realm and our infrastructure. Our ambition must be for the Visitor Economy to be a driver for improving the quality of life for local people, growing the economic benefits, and most importantly being regenerative, responsible, and low carbon based, rather than simply trying to manage the impacts of the sector.

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Mine Water Resources in Cornwall

Mine Water Resources in Cornwall

CIoS LEP commissioned The South West Geothermal Alliance to carry out a full review of potential mine water heat resources and provide a high-quality data set of mine workings with the potential to supply useful amounts of heat, suitable for the development of the LAEP scenario modelling.

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Potential for methane capture and use within the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly LEP region

Potential for methane capture and use within the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly LEP region

Methane is a greenhouse gas that has a global warming potential 84 – 87 times greater than CO2 over a 20 year period. Fugitive methane escapes into the atmosphere from biological sources such as processing and management of manure, green waste and sewage due to natural processes and from leaks during oil and natural gas extraction, refining and transportation.

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FLOW Vision 2030

FLOW Vision 2030

The Celtic Sea off Cornwall’s coast is earmarked for 24GW of floating offshore wind (FLOW) capacity. Bringing just a fraction– 2GW – of that power ashore in Cornwall by 2030 as part of a first phase would unlock huge growth potential in Cornwall’s economy

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Cornwall and IoS Tech Metal Opportunity

Cornwall and IoS Tech Metal Opportunity

Exploration companies are making progress in defining resources in the region. As these projects develop, there is a growing recognition of specific challenges for the region’s economy, in terms of skills, access to accredited laboratory analyses, drilling capacity and access to clean renewable energy to power future UK sites.

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Isles of Scilly Smart Islands

Isles of Scilly Smart Islands

The Isles of Scilly offer significant investment opportunity, business potential and training opportunities. From infrastructure improvements to new workspaces and investment the Islands Futures and Smart Islands Projects are addressing the challenges for the islands.

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Great South West

Great South West

The Great South West is the ‘powerhouse’ brand to promote the LEP areas of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, Heart of the South West and Dorset.

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Spaceport Cornwall

Spaceport Cornwall

Spaceport Cornwall is a project between Cornwall Council, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Local Enterprise Partnership, Goonhilly Earth Station Ltd and Virgin Orbit, to provide horizontal satellite launch from Cornwall Airport Newquay.

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wAVE Project

wAVE Project

The wAVE Immersive Experiences in Museums Project brings together Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly’s coastal communities, heritage centres and academic experts to develop new and engaging virtual, augmented and immersive reality experiences.

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Plymouth and the SW Peninsula City Deal

Plymouth and the SW Peninsula City Deal

The City Deal aims to reinvigorate the region’s marine and advanced manufacturing sectors creating over 9,000 jobs. It will also tackle deep-rooted unemployment, by providing intensive support to over 1,500 young people helping them back into employment and support small businesses. 

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