
June 6, 2024

Campaign launched to help cut air pollution and boost health across Portsmouth

A body in a morgue with poor air quality noted as the cause of death

Portsmouth City Council’s ‘we need cleaner air’ campaign has launched to encourage people to make small but important changes to reduce air pollution. Residents can discover what bus discounts are available, explore the best walking and cycling routes, and turn off their vehicle engines when stationary. They can learn more and find other ways to cut pollution by visiting

Cllr Gerald Vernon-Jackson, Cabinet Member for Transport, said:

“We all have a role to play in creating cleaner air across Portsmouth. Making just one small change to the way we travel can make a big difference to our own health and those close to us.

Over the last year, we’ve created safer and easier walking and cycling routes along Goldsmith Avenue and Anchorage Park, and have introduced 24/7 buses on key routes in and out of the city. We’ll continue to take action to help people choose healthier ways to travel.”

Air pollution caused by transport can cause the development of significant health problems. Short term exposure with poor quality air can cause coughing and wheezing, while long term effects include diabetes, strokes, dementia, lung cancer and heart attacks.