Commons:Picture of the Year/2021/R1/v/Macrophotography of Vespula germanica, Queen in hibernation, awaits spring to awaken and establish a new insect colony.jpg

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Picture of the Year 2021
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Macrophotography of Vespula germanica, Queen in hibernation, awaits spring to awaken and establish a new insect colony.jpg

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  1. Arlo Barnes
  2. Jorge iceman
  3. Thebiguglyalien
  4. Kersti Nebelsiek
  5. Another Believer
  6. Agus Damanik
  7. Birdsage3
  8. LemonOrangeLime
  9. Dharmadhyaksha
  10. Fabiorahamim
  11. Bodhisattwa
  12. Sat Ra
  13. Glennfcowan
  14. Big Boss 1111
  15. Detsom
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  17. Олег Граченко
  18. MestskyVlk
  19. Abductive
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  21. Brubaker610
  22. Vgo61
  23. BD2412
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  30. Owain.davies
  31. Boylarva99
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  35. Cyfrowabiblioteka
  36. نعيم قربوسي
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  69. Camelia.boban
  70. Likeanechointheforest
  71. Alexmar983
  72. Екатерина Борисова
  73. Cosmophilus
  74. Dracophyllum
  75. Bestoernesto
  76. Sadads
  77. MuntjacPassionné
  78. Godvicien
  79. Guettarda
  80. Zapyon
  81. Muhammad Mahdi Karim