File talk:Geopolitics South Russia2.png

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In your map the way you present Bosnia and Herzegovina gives one an inaccurate impression to say the least. The entities are split by a full line implying the entities are fully recognized countries since Kosovo, which declared formal independence with some recognition, in comparison has a dotted line. Now there's an even an apparent dotted line between Bosniaks and Croats. Both were/are backed by the Americans despite some difficulties between each other. In any event what good do these lines do when the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina (and a number of other countries) is presented as white? These lines only distract and confuse the viewer. -- ◅PRODUCER (TALK) 21:14, 13 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

First of all, Albania is a member of NATO. It should be green. I hope you know the rules here. You will have to upload your own map if you disagree with its content. Fakirbakir (talk) 22:07, 14 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Multiple issues


This map has multiple issues which I'll now outline in numbered lists:

  1. Lettonia is not a country and should be relabeled Latvia
  2. Lithuania is spelled incorrectly (currently reads as Lituania)
  3. The word sea in every case on the map needs to be capitalised. The labels should read Black Sea, Ionian Sea, Caspian Sea, etc.
  4. The colour green is labled as identifying countries which are members of NATO and the EU. However, Albania is a member of NATO but not the EU. Sweden and Finland are members of the EU but not NATO, although they are part of NATO's Partnership for Peace which also includes Serbia, Austria, Belarus and Russia. A seperate colour scheme outlining the EU and NATO seperately is needed here as most readers unfamiliar with the geopolitics would assume, based on the labeling, that all countries in green are members of both organisations.
  5. The Armenian-Azerbaijani border shows the same colouring used for Armenia extending into Azerbaijan (Nagorno-Karabakh). However, Nagorno-Karabakh is not controlled by Armenia; instead it is controlled by local forces who have declared an independent state, unrecognised by any country in the world including Armenia.
  6. The label "Seperatist territories under Russian military «protection»". First, the word "territories" should be replaced by "entities", a much more neutral term. Second, the use of guillemets («») rather than English language quotation marks (“”) needs to be looked at. Thirdly, wrapping the word "protection" in quotation marks is both inappropriate (hints at a certain bias) and inaccurate.
  7. The legend sourcing information uses guillemets when no quotation marks of any kind should be used. Also, the source is the CIA World Factbook or, more accurately, The World Factbook. When providing the source of something the date should be included, especially when the source is a periodical issue.

Please remedy these points as soon as possible, please. Regards, MacTire02 (talk) 22:54, 14 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

I have fixed some issues. Fakirbakir (talk) 14:51, 15 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
You still have the source (CIA facts book) down in quotation marks when it shouldn't be. Are you suggesting that your term "CIA facts book" is a quote in and of itself or are you implying a certain bias on your part, because they are the only reasons that that should be wrapped in quotation marks in English. Secondly, there is no such thing as the CIA facts book; it's the CIA World Factbook or The World Factbook. Please change and remove the quotation marks. Also, my concerns about the colouring scheme have not been addressed either here in the talkpage or on the map itself. Currently, the map is telling the uneducated reader that Albania is a member of both the EU and NATO which is obviously wrong. It's also saying that Sweden, Finland and Austria are members of NATO when they're not. What is happening in Crimea right now is very complex. Why are you trying to confuse the uneducated reader even more so! MacTire02 (talk) 15:13, 16 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
??? What is that? A personal attack? You should be happy that I was willing to fix some problems. It was not me who designed this bloody map. I only uploaded a better version. Fakirbakir (talk) 12:17, 17 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
How could what I wrote be construed in any way whatsoever as a personal attack? I simply pointed out that the most concerning problems with the map remained at the time of posting! PS: the source label is still incorrect as it states the information is taken from the CIA facts book. There is no such thing as the CIA facts book. It's the CIA World Factbook or simply The World Factbook. And the colouring scheme for Armenia-Azerbaijan is still incorrect as it implies Armenian sovereignty over part of Azerbaijan when no such sovereignty exists. That region is under the control of seperatist militias and their entity, the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, which is recognised by no country in the world, including Armenia. MacTire02 (talk) 23:28, 19 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]
Upon further inspection, I have noticed another discrepancy. The lines offered for Kosovo are the same as those for the divisions between the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska. Kosovo is a unilaterally declared state recognised by the majority of the EU and many states beyond the EU. Neither entity within Bosnia and Herzegovina has declared independence, yet the similarity of the lines makes both situations look similar. If we are recognising internal "federal" divisions, why not those of the Karakalpak AR in Uzbekistan and those of the Republics within Russia proper such as in the Caucasus and Central Russia? And what about those of Nagorno-Karabakh? MacTire02 (talk) 04:37, 23 March 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Multiple reverts


The repetitive deny of the cartographic representation of the New-Russian separatist republics in East-Ukraine "supported by Russia" (I wrote "supported", not "under military protection") are motivated by the Russian official deny of this supporting. OK, but, in this case, Wikipedia must delete all informations about facts officially denied by the russian government, as their implication in the Anna Politkovskaya's murder, in the cyber-attack against Estonia in April 27, 2007, and many other cases. I created this map, I accepted all the modifications of our colleagues Wikipedians, but now I cannot modify something here, because this is forbidden by some of our administrators, who have decided to protect the version according with the Russian official position. Hmmmm... for me, this situation remembers my young years, when I lived on the east side of the Iron courtain. Слава СССР, "comrades/Genossen" ! <:-/ --Spiridon Ion Cepleanu (talk) 18:05, 26 December 2014 (UTC)[reply]

Modifications demandées

[edit] suis le créateur de l'image : [1], mais je ne suis pas administrateur et seuls les administrateurs de Commons peuvent faire des modifs sur cette image. Elle a en effet été l'objet d'une guerre d'édition entre les contributeurs qui voulaient y ajouter la "Nouvelle-Russie" (entité séparatiste de l'Ukraine orientale : [2]) et ceux qui les revertaient au motif qu'officiellement, la Russie ne reconnaît en aucune façon soutenir cette entité (vous pouvez voir le dernier revert, notamment la légende). C'est pourquoi je souhaiterais modifier le descriptif ainsi : Descriptif actuel (obsolète)

English: Geopolitcs of South Russia, according with the CIA facts books, (without arrows and red star)
Author Spiridon Ion Cepleanu

Descriptif tel que je souhaiterais l'actualiser :

English: Geopolitcs of South Russia, according with the CIA facts books (without the Novorossiyan confederation [3] because Russia don't recognise to sustain it).
Author Spiridon Ion Cepleanu

Merci de votre aide si vous estimez ma requête justifiée. --Spiridon Ion Cepleanu (talk) 17:02, 16 January 2015 (UTC)[reply]

Update Ukraine Color


It would seem Ukraine should now be listed as an EU applicant and not torn between Russia and EU at all. -Etoile (talk) 02:12, 27 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]

So... the Invasion


It's been a bit, but nobody has really talked about this, but what should we do about Ukraine in this map?

Should we merge Crimea and the DNR/LNR and add other Russian claims as one giant territory? or should we try to include each individual subdivision? or should we just remove it entirely since it isn't exactly a "frozen" conflict anymore?

Also Ukraine and Moldova are no longer conflicted about being pro west or pro russia, that should change too.

Scu ba (talk) 21:17, 29 November 2023 (UTC)[reply]

Finland is now a members of NATO and the EU


Can Finland be changed to the same colors and labels as Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Germany? Thanks Boston Mayflower (talk) 18:02, 28 December 2023 (UTC)[reply]