Earwig's Copyvio Detector


This tool attempts to detect copyright violations in articles. In search mode, it will check for similar content elsewhere on the web using Google, external links present in the text of the page, or Turnitin (via EranBot), depending on which options are selected. In comparison mode, the tool will compare the article to a specific webpage without making additional searches, like the Duplication Detector.

Running a full check can take up to a minute if other websites are slow or if the tool is under heavy use. Please be patient. If you get a timeout, wait a moment and refresh the page.

Be aware that other websites can copy from Wikipedia, so check the results carefully, especially for older or well-developed articles. Specific websites can be skipped by adding them to the excluded URL list.

Violation Unlikely

30° в.д.

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24 October, 2013 Libya - "CORRECTION: no time change tomorrow", Libya Herald

See Africa Map with current time

CORRECTION: no time change tomorrow

Contrary to widespread reports that the clocks would go back an hour at two o’clock in the morning tomorrow, according to the government website the decision to change the clocks is now void.

There will be no change to the clocks and wintertime will be the same as summertime said the statement, which appears to have been posted today shortly after midday.

The Libya Herald apologises for misinforming its readers.

European countries will put their clocks forward in the early hours of Sunday morning. From then, Libya will not be in the same time zone as most of Europe, but will be an hour ahead.

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