Visual Studio Blog

The official source of product insight from the Visual Studio Engineering Team

Visual Studio 2022 for Mac Release Candidate

On behalf of our whole team, I’m beyond excited to announce that the Visual Studio 2022 for Mac 17.0 Release Candidate (RC) is ready for you to download now and includes a go-live license that allows you to develop in production environments. A faster, more fluid IDE for everyone This release swaps out the front-end UI of the IDE ...

View .NET collections with the new IEnumerable Debugger Visualizer

While debugging .NET code, inspecting a large and complex collection object can be tedious and difficult. Hence, starting from Visual Studio 17.2. Preview 2, we are introducing a new Visualizer, which will help you view IEnumerable objects such as Arrays, List, etc. in a customized tabular view.  The IEnumerable visualizer will display ...

Introducing a New Way to Search Your Code and Visual Studio Features

All developers search within their code, in one way or another. Some might use code search to explore their code and understand how some components work; others might use code search to get to a very specific location they have in mind. Either way, as a developer yourself, sometimes this process of searching and finding a location might be ...

Supercharge your Git experience in VS

Have you experienced delays when viewing your Git repository or branch history in Visual Studio? Have you run a network command like force-push and had to wait for the operation to complete? Your Git repository may be having performance issues due to its large size. We are happy to integrate a relatively new Git feature called the commit graph...

CPU Usage Tool Improvements

With Visual Studio 2022, we have converted the CPU Usage tool in the Performance Profiler to the profiler’s new analysis engine. This new change provides the tool with better source resolution, incremental/cancelable symbol loading, a performance boost, and a new flame graph.