There is a newer version of the record available.

Published April 13, 2021 | Version 2.0.0-alpha
Journal article Open


  • 1. Oxford University
  • 2. University of Leeds
  • 3. University of Melbourne


This archive contains model code to accompany the paper describing version 2.0.0 of the FaIR simple climate model (

This version (v2.0.0-alpha) contains a bug preventing Windows users from extracting the model code (a subfolder is called the reserved name "/aux/"). We have released a patched version (v2.0.0-alpha1) that fixes this issue for Windows users.

However, for non-Windows users, we would strongly recommend using this version to retain full compatibility with the accompanying notebooks and data. 

The notebooks that accompany the paper are found here.


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  • Leach, N. J., Jenkins, S., Nicholls, Z., Smith, C. J., Lynch, J., Cain, M., … Allen, M. R. (2020). FaIRv2.0.0: a generalised impulse-response model for climate uncertainty and future scenario exploration. Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., 2020, 1–48.