Permission error

You do not have permission to upload this file, for the following reason:

Most of the images used at Wikibooks are hosted at Wikimedia Commons rather than locally at Wikibooks. This is because the administrators at Commons are more experienced and well-versed in dealing with image uploads and licensing issues. However, the Commons does not accept images under fair use, or other non-free licenses.

If the image you wish to upload meets the criteria set forth at Commons, please upload it there by clicking the "upload file" link in the left panel. It will automatically take you to the upload page there.

If you can demonstrate a need to upload a non-free image under fair use terms for use in Wikibooks, it may be possible to upload it here. However, this capability is limited to users in one of the groups: Administrators, Uploaders. To request membership in one of these groups, post a request at Wikibooks:Requests for permissions.