This is a copy of m:Help:Variable using Wikinews-specific templates. Don't edit this page, except to replace the contents with the current version of that master page. To make changes applicable on all projects, edit the master page; to change Wikinews-specific content, edit the templates; to make demos work, copy templates to this project, and images to Wikimedia Commons. Please see the history of the master page for author details. Please note that all meta content is licensed under the GFDL. As a result this page is licensed under the GFDL. - Edit this template

This is a list of variables that can be used in the wikitext. The way they are rendered depends on the time, on the project, or on the page in which it occurs.

On the left is the variable, on the right how it is rendered at this time, in this project, on this page.

Constant, only depending on the project and parameters

{{ns:-2}} or {{ns:Media}} Media
{{ns:-1}} or {{ns:Special}} Special
{{ns:1}} or {{ns:Talk}} Talk
{{ns:2}} or {{ns:User}} User
{{ns:3}} or {{ns:User_talk}} User talk
{{ns:4}} or {{ns:Project}} Wikinews
{{ns:5}} or {{ns:Project_talk}} Wikinews talk
{{ns:6}} or {{ns:Image}} File
{{ns:7}} or {{ns:Image_talk}} File talk
{{ns:8}} or {{ns:MediaWiki}} MediaWiki
{{ns:9}} or {{ns:MediaWiki_talk}} MediaWiki talk
{{ns:10}} or {{ns:Template}} Template
{{ns:11}} or {{ns:Template_talk}} Template talk
{{ns:12}} or {{ns:Help}} Help
{{ns:13}} or {{ns:Help_talk}} Help talk
{{ns:14}} or {{ns:Category}} Category
{{ns:15}} or {{ns:Category_talk}} Category talk
(depending on custom namespaces)
{{ns:100}} Portal
{{SITENAME}} Wikinews
{{SERVER}} //
{{localurl:pagename}} /wiki/Pagename
{{localurl:pagename|query string}} /w/index.php?title=Pagename&query string
{{int:fromwikipedia}} From Wikinews

"INT:" is used to get text from wfMsg, such as messages in the LanguageXx.php file (see example over). It is short for "internal".

Varying with time


NUMBEROFARTICLES: number of pages in the main namespace which contain a link and are not a redirect, i.e. number of articles, stubs containing a link, and disambiguation pages.

This depends on system variable $wgUseCommaCount If true, article count will only include those with commas (","). If false, will only count those with links ("[["). The default set in DefaultSettings.php is false, this can be changed in LocalSettings.php.

CURRENTMONTHNAMEGEN: is the genitive grammatical form of the month name (used in Finnish).

Depending on page

{{PAGENAME}} Variable
{{PAGENAMEE}} Variable

PAGENAMEE displays the page title in the form that is used in URLs, i.e. with underscores for spaces, and escape codes for special characters, and is therefore used for constructing URLs. For example, on a page called "Another test", PAGENAMEE would produce "Another_test" rather than "Another test". See also Variables {{PAGENAME}} and {{PAGENAMEE}}

When used in a template, these three variables refer to the page in which the template is included, not to the template page.

Examples of combinations

{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{NAMESPACE}}:{{PAGENAMEE}}|action=edit}} //
[[{{NAMESPACE}}:{{PAGENAMEE}}_1]] Help:Variable_1
{{SERVER}}{{localurl:{{NAMESPACE}}:{{PAGENAMEE}}_1}} //

See also m:Template:UTC.

In a template, for a link to a page which depends on a template parameter, the external link style is used even for internal links, to avoid that the system links to the edit page even if the page exists. To construct the external link, variables can also be useful.

See also

Help contents

Reading: Go | Search | URL | Namespace | Page name | Section | Link | Backlinks | Piped link | Interwiki link | Redirect | Variable | Category
Tracking changes: Recent | (enhanced) | Related | Watching pages | Page history | Diff | User contributions | Edit summary | Minor edit
Logging in and preferences: Logging in | Preferences | User style
Editing: Overview | New page | Images/files | Image description page | Special characters | Formula | Table | EasyTimeline | Template | Renaming (moving) a page | Automatic conversion of wikitext | Talk page | Testing || rlc | Meta | Wikibooks | Wikicommons | Wikipedia | Wikiquote | Wikisource | Wiktionary

This is a copy of m:Help:Variable using Wikinews-specific templates. Don't edit this page, except to replace the contents with the current version of that master page. To make changes applicable on all projects, edit the master page; to change Wikinews-specific content, edit the templates; to make demos work, copy templates to this project, and images to Wikimedia Commons. Please see the history of the master page for author details. Please note that all meta content is licensed under the GFDL. As a result this page is licensed under the GFDL. - Edit this template